Sunday, September 13, 2020

Snails, Chameleons & Donuts, Oh My!

Okay, peeps.

Finally posting the handful of school projects we completed last Thursday, but as I am, I gotta admit that I’m kind of aware that the past week has been an overload of project posts, ha.

It’s like we opened the floodgates, and now that’s all I share, ha. week, I shall attempt to switch it up with other life happenings.

But for ya go:

Snail Fun:

I’m glad I check out the kiddos’ art assignments early in the week, because they continue to be slightly involved. Oye. Gives me a little time to prepare!

Luckily, this week’s was a crossover with something we’ve done before—coffee filter art. Woohoo! So we had everything on hand we needed, and I feel like we were old pros.

Heeere’s what the end product was supposed to look like:

And heeere’s Chicklet, uploading a picture of her completed snail. :)

The kiddos really do lurv anything involving markers, and especially lurv anything involving scissors and glue. So simple, but always entertaining. So this was a golden school project—even if it fell on a very busy day!

Of course, I looped Little Man in on the action (in his Halloween Star Wars shirt, of course).

Chicklet was really feeling the spirit of things. ;)

Super cute.

And the snails are adorable, too. ;)


Now...while the younger two were spending most of their time on snails, I had Chica in her room, following along with her art project: a drawing of a chameleon, complete with surrounding camouflage.

I love how comfortable it was for Chica to follow along with the steps of drawing, since we’ve spent so much time doodling at home. We continuously come across these moments of home/school life crossover. Woohoo.

And look at her lovely finished product:

Donut Creation:

Now. Once those two assignments were complete, we had to bust out a bunch of baked deliciousness for Chica to tackle as a STEAM (science, technology, engineering & mathematics) project that technically fell under her science bucket for the day.

Making a creation with donuts.

Naturally, I bought a slew of the donuts so the other two could join in, as well.

Heeere’s Chicklet’s giraffe. :)

And Chica’s butterfly. :)

I wasn’t fast enough to catch a pic of Little Man’s dragon before he ate it, ha.


It was a busy hour or two of these special projects that was tacked onto a long day that involved an orthodontist appointment (Chica), six other school assignments for each of the girlies, the donut run, and some standardized testing.

So...yeah. Long days.

Seems to be the standard for us these days.

Which made it extra nice to have an in day today of church online, project time (haunted houses, below), a family bike ride, and some football watching. We gotta take the low key whenever we can get it!

Can’t believe we’re about to start our FIFTH week of school, already. Especially considering we only had to tackle nine weeks of it in the Spring when this all began, and that amount of virtual schooling felt like a lifetime.

Just goes to show how our perspectives have changed.

Wishing everybody a great kick off to another September week!

Over and out. 

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