Sunday, October 25, 2020

Cardboard Haunted House!

So...this evening we drove out to the most beautiful nature center (that was new to us!) for our annual family photo session (yup, I’m that Mama who makes us do just one photographer-led session each year, despite the gazillions of pictures I take daily on my iPhone), and it was such a lovely way to cap off the weekend.

The location definitely reminded me of our beloved nature preserve from McKinney—but with a stunning riverbed tucked away in one area, and some other little extras that would be fun to explore on another, lazier day.

Bottom was so nice to be outside in some fresh air—even if it was in the mid-80’s—and I hope the session yields some happy family picture results (despite our hilariously chaotic getting-ready process that involved at-home haircuts for all five of us, and lots of other craziness I’ll try to share some other day). 

Now...thank heavens, our temperatures are about to drop come Tuesday—at least for a few days—and I cannot wait. Really makes me sit back and appreciate the time of year that we’re barreling toward, along with all of the Halloween fun we’ve already enjoyed. With the big day in less than a week! :)

I think we’ve done a pretty rock-awesome job of tackling a bunch of Halloween projects, and at some point after this week, I might do a round-up post of all of them. 

But I have to give a special shout-out this year to Tar-jay, for some really fantastic crafts through their Spritz line. I feel like there have been more to choose from, of a delightful variety this season, and I’ve been diggin’ them—in addition to our steady Hobby Lobby rotation.

So...tonight’s post is a kuddos to yet another awesoemsauce Tar-jay find that kept my crew busy on four separate occasions this week!

This was my crew on Wednesday, coloring away for nearly two hours!

Then again on Thursday...

I failed to snap pics on Friday, when they came close to finishing all the coloring, but here they were, putting the finishing touches on the sections while listening to the sermon this morning (and tickling Daddy and I to no end when they all shouted out an answer to a rhetorical question the pastor posed, ha. Yay, for little ears that are listening!).

Then after our streaming service was done, I enlisted Daddy’s help with assembly. 

Look how cute! And with the hand rooftop handle for carting it to different rooms. :)

They really really dug this one, and for $9.99, it was an excellent investment, considering how many days it occupied their time!

Can’t wait to tackle just a couple more projects this week before we wrap up the Halloween crafts and transition to the Thanksgiving and general Fall ones, soon. :)

Happy Sunday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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