Saturday, October 24, 2020

Family Voting—2020!

Well, peeps.

Lemme fill you in on the past few days of happenings, since I’ve been kind of MIA on this here blog since Tuesday:

The kiddos slayed their first in-person week of school. 

Like, truly conquered it, happy-style.

Dare I say, they were even energized to be with humans other than their immediate family, for the first time in nearly eight months, hehe.

And, yup, that’s pretty much it.

It was a busy week, with early wake ups (and a fun, ongoing project that I’ll post hopefully tomorrow), but we made it to the weekend, and here we are, basking in the Saturday evening gloriousness of knowing...we cast our ballots today!

That’s right, we managed to conquer early voting, and it was a family affair, to boot. :)

Wasn’t exactly the easiest process because we’re LAME and missed the deadline to file our official change-of-address paperwork earlier this month. So after attempting to handle things at our precinct right down the street, we had to drive all the way downtown to the main voting location to take care of business.


We did it!

And I gotta say—I’m so glad the kiddos were with us for the whole shebang. They’ve been taking about elections and voting so much during their social studies lessons the past few weeks, so to see it all in action was a fantastic teaching moment.

They were particularly intrigued by the physical ballot going in the machine, and then out again...then back in the final machine for good. :) And I lurv their little “future voter” stickers. 

I also luuuuuurv looking back on these various points in time that cover the last few presidential elections since any of my babies have been alive:

We celebrated—or perhaps just caved to our lack of time to make it home and make dinner—with a quick outdoor round at Shake Shack and needless to say, my crazies were in rare form, so happy to be eating out, since we so rarely do. 

Also...can I just say that I find it hilarious and also depressing that Chicklet said it “felt like winter” because the temperature—for one lousy day, I might ad—dipped down to the 70’s. That’s my Texas babies for ya. They don’t know any better!

Love this smooshy face (photo by Chica):

Ahhhh...fresh air. ;)

Thanks to that temperature dip and some light changes, Mama’s been rocking a solid migraine all day. So consider this my over and out, peeps.

Pain meds and pillows are calling.

Happy (Voting) Saturday!

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