Monday, November 23, 2020

Giddy-Up, Giddy-Away From Germs!

Well, m’peeps.

Here we are.

Thanksgiving Week, 2020.

And, man, does it feel different.

I don’t think there’s a family out there who hasn’t adjusted plans based on the current global situation right now, and ours is no different. 

That said, we are fortunate in that we were able to drive safely up to family in Oklahoma and hunker down with just grandparents.

Although...I’m not gonna lie—as soon as the CDC recommendations against traveling hit the mainstream late last week, I had major feelings of guilt. I absolutely do not want to be part of the problem and not the solution by driving somewhere. And honestly, if the recommendations had been released more than 48 hours from our ETD, we probably would have halted and redirected.

But things were already way past in-motion, so we proceeded with the greatest of caution, and the most vigilant germ protection, possible.

And my babies did great on the drive—thanks to the addition of the Nintendo Switch (that Little Man got for his birthday) that we brought along for the car ride for the first time.

It was a riot to listen to my three crazies pass it back and forth for turns that kept them occupied for more than three hours of the long drive.

So heeeeere’s a pick of one of only two stops we managed during the entire nine-hour trek (not too shabby with three kiddos). Our backsides definitely needed a wiggle break!

And more pics of my babies keeping themselves entertained...

So here’s hoping we can stay healthy and safe during our time here. We will be missing the “normalcy” of the extended family we can’t gather with, but we’re so grateful to be with any of our loved ones at all. Certainly something major to be thankful for.

And another major thing to be thankful for: the inventiveness that comes from avoiding germs!

So many of the things the kiddos love to do when we come to Oklahoma (like the zoo and the aquarium) just aren’t possible right now. But it means so much to be able to give them special memories, regardless.

That fact is, they would be content as all get-out just being at home with grandparents and different toys and projects, but we managed a very special outing today that will probably be the first of many visits in the future.

Because when you can’t be inside with humans (and germs), be outside with animals! might recall the summer of 2019 when the kiddos and I had so many fun adventures as part of our Tuesday DO-Days. And one of the first of those Tuesday outings was in honor of Chicklet and her very strong desire to ride a horse. :)

Well...we would have loved a repeat of that horse riding outing this summer, but the germs kept us away. Boooo.

However. The hubby’s parents’ house literally backs up to this family-owned horse riding facility that’s been there for decades. And I honestly can’t believe it’s taken us this long to finally manage to make it over there for an outing, but all things really do happen in their own time, because this timing was perfect

It was absolutely the loveliest things to do on this beautiful and crisp Fall day. There was just a single (lovely) person there on property to take care of us. And we felt very safe and happy to be out there.

The kiddos got to groom the horses before riding, and then feed them apples and carrots after, and they were just happy, happy, HAPPY.

I adore this picture...

Last time we went horseback riding, my boy was only three and a half, so we rode together. But, look! All by himself, now. :)

The sweet-tempered horse’s name was Nacho, and the kiddos each got a turn riding a slightly different route along the property while we all tagged along. 

The kiddos were enthralled by this adorable guy named Cuddly. And he had a very conversational donkey buddy named Samson. They’re apparently the duo that entertains kiddos for birthday parties. 

McGumbo and Cowboy are the two horses that can be seen from the grandparents house most of the time.

Domino, Roscoe and Story were some other lovely horses that were very interested in the apples the kiddos were passing out. 

It truly was a perfect little outing today. Something special amidst so many germ limitations right now.

Hoping everyone out there is able to conjure a Thanksgiving week with some joy and gratitude amidst all the change and distance in the world right now.

Safe healthy, stay sane, peeps.

Over and out. 

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