Monday, November 2, 2020

It’s Beginning To Look...Like We Wanna Decorate!

Well, peeps.

It happened.

The clock struck November and that decorating switch flipped, and now I just wanna get out loads and loads o’ Christmas trees, ha.

Blame it on our trip to Walmart today (the last outing I hope to have for the entire week, beyond school runs. I really really want to hunker down for a decent chunk of time without any germ exposure, at all).

Little Man wanted to take my picture, hehe. :)

And, yes, that earmuff candy cane headband did come home with us, upon his request. ;)

Thankfully, after this single errand, a slow-ish day allowed me to get all the Halloween decorations put away, which was no easy feat in one fell swoop, as it our second most-decorated holiday, ‘round our casa.

But digging through the 21 color-coordinated storage bins in the “holiday closet” was like plopping a kid down in the middle of a candy store. I just. Couldn’t. Help. Myself. With the purple bins full of carefully organized and re-packed spooky decor, the green buckets were calling to me...

And I may or may not have answered the call. ;) 

And here’s my first, faux Christmas tree wound of the year to show for it:

As luck would have it, my beautiful babies have tomorrow off from school, so we’re planning on just going nuts (per usual) and putting up the Christmas trees in their rooms, no matter the date.

Also, I consulted last year’s blog posts and discovered we put them up on November 5th. So, hey, at least were predictable, ha. And look how cozy they are with the Christmas blankets I busted out. :)

Grateful to have gotten a lot done today, in a low-key way.

Grateful to have my babies underfoot to have some chill decorating and TV watching fun, tomorrow.

And grateful to have completed our early voting last week so we can just sit back and watch the coverage.

Happy November, peeps!

Over and out. 

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