Thursday, November 19, 2020

Thanksgiving School Wind-Down

So...guess who had his adorable little Thanksgiving Feast at preschool today??

Complete with pizza and grapes and marshmallows and carrots—just like the feasts of yore. ;)

I love that he picked out a red shirt and orange shorts to wear because he said they were Thanksgiving colors. :)

And I love that he actually got to go to school and have his feast in the first place—given an active Covid case in another little class at his preschool last week, and, well, just the general state of things right now in 2020.

I’m not gonna lie...I’ve been a little nostalgic this week about the past years of happy celebrations I’ve been able to enjoy with my babies.

Last year, I was the room representative for Chicklet’s kindergarten class, and we had the best, most raucous feast and celebration. Was absolutely one of my favorite little kindergarten memories with her. :)

And the year before that—also with my beloved Chicklet—we were in the throes of the first week of realizing we were going to have to move, and in between a couple of family rounds of strep throat that took us down and out. But her preschool had the biggest and best Thanksgiving celebration, complete with the classes performing musical numbers and a beautiful family feast topped off with thoughtful homemade crafts by the kiddos. And it was exactly the kind of count-your-blessings diversion we needed at the time. :)

I know so many families who are mourning the loss of a “normal” holiday season this year, and at times, we’re definitely in that boat. But we’re also doing our best to appreciate and bask in this beautiful time of thankfulness, despite the state of the world right now.

Hilariously, I tried to do something really fun and offer my girlies’ a special day off school tomorrow to kick off the break a little early. Little Man is done for the week, Chicklet’s teacher is out and they have a substitute, and a handful of Chica’s classmates are going to be out, as well.

But my eldest, my beautiful, responsible, enthusiastic-student, eldest, said she didn’t want to stay home, and that she wanted to go to school (for a double recess they earned and some pom pom turkeys they’re making, ha).

So...I tried. But Mama’s alarm is still going off at six o’clock. ;) So on that note...nighty night, peeps. 

Over and out. 

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