Friday, December 4, 2020

A December TGIF, And The Best Of The Rest

Oh holy heavens am I glad it’s Friday.

The hubby and I barely made it through the kiddos’ bedtime routine—by tapping into the very last of our reserve energy. So here’s hoping we can power up again this weekend before another Monday comes around.

In the meantime...for kicks and giggles, here’s a random slew of a ton o’ little tidbits I haven’t made time to share. Each could be a list in its own right, but in the interest of holiday chaos and less free time not more, I’ll just let it go and let it flow tonight.


First up...

My Friday Elven Babies

The girlies—particularly Chicklet—are both incredibly pumped about their final week of school before the holiday (the week after next) because each day will have a unique celebratory theme. And I appreciate the heads-up from the teachers so we could gear up—like with these adorable Elf headbands for the Elf Day.

(P.S. Last night, Chicklet lost the last of her teeth that she’ll be losing until the next round in her preteens. Little Man’s up next.)

My Boys And Their Computer Toys

I had a doctor’s appointment today, so my boys held down the fort together, and the hubby sent me this adorable pic and told me Little Man helped him build a type curve model and actually had a kick in the process. Little protege, apparently. ;)

My Puzzle Boy

And speaking of my boy...we’ve been having some quality time over the past couple of days with this fun snowman puzzle.

A happy, chill activity with an appropriately holiday theme. :)

And one last random for my boy...

Backpack Styling

Look how adorable he is in these cute photos, post-Thanksgiving. 

Lifetime Supply

And speaking of things that came home from Thanksgiving...when all three grandparents were with us over Halloween, I lamented my inability to find my beloved yellow Lysol since the start of the pandemic. And look what happened: 

They foraged their stores in Tulsa, and now I’m solid for a couple of years, ha.

Now...what else can I send them after on my behalf?? ;)

A Little Sewing For Some Happy Sleep

Now for this random one...anybody who knows me is aware that I have light-induced migraines. Basically, any drastic change in my routine and how/when I’m exposed to certain natural or manufactured lighting can almost immediately throw me into a migraine. Though I have other triggers—like barometric pressure changes and sometimes sinus issues and/or crying, light is absolutely my biggest trigger.

So. I’ve worn an eye mask for nearly two decades when I sleep, and I keep one on for a small bit of time as I’m waking up and getting acclimated around the house.

So eye masks are a big deal for me and a great love. And I insist on having my own made—usually by forcing Nanna to make them for me—so I can have exactly the size and fabric I want.

High maintenance, yes??

Anywho...since last year’s masks gave Nanna quite a headache to make, I passed the “gift” of this task to older bro this year, and it’s also giving him a headache. So...feeling a bit guilting for pawning the project off, I decided to try my hand at hand-stitching a couple myself. 

And they are not easy to make (this fluffy fabric is a hot mess express to deal with and sheds like crazy), but I managed it. Woohoo!


When I attempted another one during our long drive home for Tulsa, it didn’t go quite so well, ha.

I mean...I had some issues with keeping the shape. Bahaha. I was a little tired when making it so I had a bit of hysterical crying jag by the time I was finished. ;)

Now, speaking of me and crazy things..

Curls Outta Nowhere

I’ve always had some body to my hair, but holy goodness, lately it is just getting super curly! Check it out:

Say, what??

I never blow dry my hair. Like, ever. I’m just lazy and sleep on it wet overnight, and then add some loose curls to it with a curling iron in the morning—when I actually fix it on any given day. So the above and below curl pics are after air drying from a shower.

Now. I have a couple of theories about this shift in hair texture.

The first and most likely is that I’ve now been cutting my own hair for about a year (thanks to the pandemic and the fact that it hadn’t been cut professionally for a few months prior to quarantine). And since I don’t texture it when I cut it (and truth be told, I used to loathe it when stylists used texturizing shears, as it would just bring on the frizz and brittleness), I think my hair’s increasingly natural state is just emerging and the curl is having some fun. :)

The other theory is that I’m just becoming a lady of, ahem, a certain age, and my hormones might be factoring in, here. Ha.

Holiday Mask Cheer

And another random from this crazy holiday masks finally arrived (of this brand I can usually find in store at CVS and lurv), and now my December festive spirit is complete. :)

I got this tartan plaid one for the hubby, too...

And I got some cute Santa and reindeer ones for the kiddos. It’s a family affair. If we gotta wear them, we might as well make them tidings of great cheer, amiright?? ;)

And speaking of cheer...

All Wrapped Up

In keeping with this unprecedented the-shopping-got-done-early theme this year, I had a wrapping extravaganza yesterday, and even boxed up the items from the big red jolly man and had the hubby cart them off to the attic. :)

Nose In A Book

This morning, immediately upon waking (likee before her eyes were even open), Chica mumbled, “salutations,” and I about died

Because it was a direct reference to Charlotte’s Web, as they’re doing an in-depth reading of it in class.

Furthermore...she was so pumped about this in-depth reading that she came home on Monday asking if she could remove $7 from her piggy bank because her teacher said she could purchase her own copy of the book to keep forever, and would I mind if she did that??

And I couldn’t bust out my wallet fast enough. And almost teared up at how willingly my girl just assumed she would pay her own way—and that she wanted to spend her funds on a book.

More and more lately, this is the view I get of my beloved eldest and I. Could. Not. Love. It. More. (And please note she’s wearing a Harry Potter-quoting shirt whilst reading. Perfection.

Nose in a book is pretty much the best in my opinion. The shot from above is after I took my three crazies on a special, sort of spur-of-the-moment trip after school yesterday to Half Price Books.

Reading is LIFE. And I think I’m succeeding in passing on the love to each of my babies.


And speaking of life...

A Family Move Affair

Our unit of five has been having a ton of movie nights lately, and we’re working our way through some great holiday selections.

In fact, it’s going so well, it might be time for the inaugural viewing of Home Alone this year. :)

I mean...the snuggles and the candy eating in the light of the Christmas tree as we watch is everything. So grateful for this beautiful family time. 

And speaking of beautiful...

Flower Power

There’s absolutely no point to this shot from Thanksgiving than the fact that I love and ADORE this child so much—and the flower she carried around for quite some time. And I love this shot of her. :)

And this one of my boy...who never actually got dressed that day. Pajamas for the win. :)

Okay...I think that’s all my randomness flung your way before other happenings bump it all from my priority list.

And I hope some of it gave you some cheer

Looking forward to sleeping in past 6 a.m. mañana, peeps.

Stay healthy, stay sane.


Over and out.

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