Wednesday, January 27, 2021

A Little Mood Deterioration

Well, peeps.

I predicted it.

Or maybe, I accidentally manifested it.


In my Monday post about how great we kicked off the week, I waxed poetic that if it all went downhill, at least we had a strong kickoff.

And, well...predictably, we went a bit downhill for Tuesday.

Emotions were running high amongst the kiddos, leading to more bickering than usual, and some hurt feelings and one massive snotty-crying meltdown on Little Man’s part (though, to be fair, he brought on the crying with poor behavior and a subsequent punishment, oye.)

Even with a typically mood-stabilizing trip to the playground thrown into the mix, I finally admitted a bit of defeat by dinnetime.

I got one smiley pic, though, on a beautiful day.

And then it took me until late in the evening to restore our kitchen from this disaster...

Back to this.

Can’t win ‘em all, right?


So far, we’ve had a restorative kind of Wednesday vibe, though, so here hoping we can maintain the momentum, and make it through Hump Day unscathed.

Stay healthy, stay sane, peeps.

Over and out. 

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