Thursday, January 28, 2021

To-Be-Quarantined Valentine Boxes!

Hellooooo, from Thursday, which is almost FRIYAY, and the last weekend of January, no less. Woohoo!

So. We had a great Monday. A meh Tuesday, and then a lovely Wednesday...until right around the time we were home from school and halfway through making these Valentine boxes, ha.

I mean, seriously. If ever there was an activity that should be completed with silliness, happiness and love—not angst—it’s Valentine boxes!

But. You win some ,you lose some, and I sort of lost my sanity somewhere after Chicklet’s box was complete, and Little Man knocked over an entire (giant) glass of water all over our supplies, forcing us to evacuate the table and salvage our materials, just as a duo of arborists was ringing the doorbell after trimming a couple trees in our yard, and frustrating me with their mansplaining conversation. Argh.

So...we did our best. And at least the boxes are freaking adorable, even if the process of making them was a little cray-cray with a side of crank. ;)


It should be noted for the record that we’re not totally insane-in-the-membrane in making these boxes so darn early. It’s actually a requirement from the school that we send our boxes and card Valentines (no candy or toys this year) to school next week. So they can sit an quarantine in the classroom and de-germ before the big day of celebration. Smart. And a great excuse for us to continue our Valentine crafting early and often!

Now. Here’s hoping we can finish our week like it began—strong and happy with no cranky!

Happy Almost Friday, peeps.

Stay healthy, stay SANE.

Over and out. 

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