Monday, January 18, 2021

Wheels Off Chicklet!

Oh my heavens, peeps.

I don’t know about you, but I always find it a bit tough to get back into the groove of things, post holidays. 

And while I think this January has been easier than most—perhaps just a function of our kiddos being a bit older and handling changes in sleep/schedules far better than ever before, or, perhaps, because social distancing removes a lot of extraneous variables—it still takes me a couple weeks to get my sea legs every year.

Add to that the fact that we launch into nightly homework at our elementary school each January, plus the addition of dance classes and soccer lessons back to our routine, and I always feel the need to take a hot second to make sure we all acclimate properly.

So all that said...

It has been one gloriously low-key, three-day weekend (except for the poor hubby, who was still working today, but at least from home!).

It was filled with all the beautiful, everyday happenings that make for a solid weekend—but with the bonus of being a extra-restorative thanks to the unhurried pace of knowing you have that one extra day before diving back into the week.

It’s always such a blessing to have this day, at this point in January—especially knowing we don’t get another breather until Spring Break—so I’m absolutely grateful it’s been a good day off. :)

MUCH more tomorrow on all the lovely little things that filled our weekend.

But for now, I want to devote a post to Chicklet, and her rockstar, total champ, awesomesauce status of...riding her bike with NO TRAINING WHEELS!!!


She made it look so easy breezy, she was just so solid and fantastic!

If you’ll recall, we’ve been a happily bike-riding family since the early days of quarantine. And it was such a joy and a really lovely memory to get Chica up and riding with no wheels in that crazy Spring of 2020 that none of us will every forget.

One of those silver linings of the pandemic, for sure. 

Something that was absolutely made possible, thanks to the necessity of virtual learning, and the flexibility it provided for us to get biking at a time of year when the weather wasn’t hot as Hades and suffocating, ha.

At that time, I knew Chicklet wouldn’t be far behind the riding-with-no-wheels curve, but she’s been perfectly content with her bike, as is, and hadn’t expressed an interest.

Until yesterday, when we got out for a beautiful family ride, in gorgeous, winter, pre-Twilight. After which, Chicklet asked to try things out without her training wheels.

And, well...the rest is history!

The timing of this wheels-off event was extra extra special because Daddy was around for it.

With Chica, last Spring, I was flying solo with the kiddos and it all happened so unexpectedly that I had to call him after the fact.

He enthusiastically hopped in the car and tracked us down in the neighborhood for a celebratory hurrah. :) But I felt a tiny bit sad that he missed the inaugural ride.

But not this time!

He got his laps in. ;)

It’s so lovely to see my kiddos hit these fun milestones. Riding has really been such a great way for us to get some fresh air and concentrated family time during this socially distanced year of ours, and I loved biking around my neighborhood so much as a kid that I hope this is planting the seeds for years of enjoyment.

Oh, and as a bonus twins/not twins were so hysterically loving toward one another yesterday. A rare thing, indeed, for these two.

They love each other like crazy every day, but the emphasis is usually on the crazy, ha. So it was just positive vibes all around. :)

Much more tomorrow about our other weekend tidbits.

Until then...happy Monday, peeps!

Stay healthy, stay sane.

Over and out. 

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