Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Habitual Homework

Well, peeps.

We officially entered the third nine weeks of school.

It feels impossible that we’re half-way through the school year. And more impossible, still, that just nine school weeks ago, my kiddos were still virtual learning.

To be honest, I don’t know that I’ve had enough separation from those Zoom day times to feel like they won’t swing back around for us, again. Positive cases within our district skyrocketed this past week, and a deep cleaning of Chica’s classroom was necessary this morning after one of her classmates tested positive.

All this to say that, despite vaccinations beginning to make the rounds amidst our parents’ demographic, any sort of new normal feels a long way off. And certainly out of reach for this school year.


Education marches on.

And with the second half of the year (at least within our school district) comes...nightly homework.


I’d love to say I keep a completely positive attitude about homework, but the truth is, I have pretty mixed feelings about it for elementary aged children, and I always have. I’m torn between appreciation for the learning reinforcement that it serves, and the desire to let young kids just play and be kids after an eight hour school day.

Luckily, the nightly homework is assigned on Mondays and due on Fridays. So if we play our cards right and double up on just one afternoon a week, we can buy ourselves a fake day off. With dance and soccer happening on Thursday afternoons this semester, it might be a good idea to try for that anyway.

Thank goodness, we seem to have kicked things off in a calm and positive manner, establishing a routine of homework right after school while they munch on snacks. Don’t pass go, don’t start playing, just buckle down and get the work over with. 

Of course, Little Man doesn’t have anything official assigned, but there’s no harm in giving him some busy work. ;)

And, truth be told, since Chicklet was the one who needed me the most during her virtual schooling days, I’m sort of grateful to be her tutor again, in an unofficial capacity. I hope the feeling is mutual. :)

I’m sure there will be days with loathe this work and argue to get through it. But for now...we’re gonna try and keep things light and bright.

Here’s hoping for health and sanity across the board in the coming weeks, peeps. I feel like now that we’ve turned a calendar year, we’ve all become so antsy to put this pandemic behind us, but the journey will still be long.

Grateful tomorrow’s already Thursday.

Over and out.

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