Sunday, January 10, 2021

SNOW Many Climate Changes!

So...there used to be some general saying growing up in Oklahoma that went something like: if you don’t like the weather, just wait five minutes. But I actually think Texas should be the owner of that gem. At least for this particular week!

Because last weekend and into Monday/Tuesday it was gorgeous, 70 degrees and the bluest of blue skies, and then, today, it was SNOWING. Yep. Snowing in San Antonio! A very rare event, indeed.

It began with rain overnight and early morning, then morphed into sleet, and then big, flurry, heavy flakes that fell on and off for a couple of hours. The kiddos were pumped, but also forlorn that it wasn’t exactly make-a-snowman precipitation.

Oh, well. Beggars can’t be choosers, amiright?

We’ll take this small Sunday miracle, as is.

And it made for fantastic family snuggles during a movie...

And adorably bathrobed kiddos during streaming church (and project time during the sermon):

And then lots and lots o’ window watching...


It was so beautiful to watch it from the upstairs playroom windows. A happy, chilly winter day, indeed.

But just last weekend...we grabbed our adventure packs, our boots and walking sticks, and finally took the opportunity to explore more of the nature preserve that’s right in our backyard, since it had been quite some time since we’d poked around in there.

It’s such a lovely thing to have this amazing, untamed resource literally right at our back door. 

We spent a full hour hiking online a couple miles into the preserve and then back, and I feel like we really only scratched the surface.

But it was the most gorgeous day to be outdoors, filling our lungs with fresh air. And I certainly hope there will be a chance for us to get out there again soon before springtime rolls around and I start to get a bit more wary of snakes and other wildlife, ha. ;)

Wishing you all a great start to this second full week of the month. I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve always felt January to be the most lackluster time of the year, but I’ve been digging the relatively chill vibes, so there’s no complaining from this casa.

Stay healthy, stay sane, peeps.

Over and out. 

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