Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Kiddo Quarantine


Between my last and current post, we had a lovely grandparent visit. During which, I totally and completely FAILED to take many pictures—at all.

So now, here we are, on the flip side of their departure, and launching in to a 14-day mandated quarantine for poor Chicklet, who was directly exposed at school by a positive classmate.


We’ve made it so far within this Covid school year, maintaining pretty smooth sailing, that I’m sort of bummed to now have this happen.

Of course, the first nine weeks, my kiddos were home, 100% virtual schooling, and healthy.

Then in October, at the start of the second nine weeks, we allowed them to return to in-person learning, and all procedures were so wonderful that we felt solid and safe in our decision.

Now, in this third nine weeks of school, positive case numbers have been so much higher (post-holidays), and the potential exposures have gotten so much closer to home. For example, two weeks ago, Chica had two positive cases within her class, and many little friends (who sat directly beside those positive kiddos), had to quarantine out of precaution. But, thus far, we’ve managed to remain just outside of the danger zone.

But not anymore. :(

It definitely felt a bit like the walk of shame after the school nurse’s phone call, when I had to drive up to grab the girlies about half an hour before the final bell. And Chicklet cried when we got in the car and I had to break the news about being home and back to virtual schooling for two weeks. She just loves her little friends so much.


It is what it is, and we definitely want to be part of the solution and not part of the problem (not that we have any choice, as our school has wonderful and strict procedures to follow).

Chica is allowed to continue to go to school as long as nobody within the household exhibits symptoms or tests positive, but I imagine she’ll feel a bit lonely and left out, being the only one leaving the nest most days. Though I’m hoping the days will pass by quickly! And we’ll try not to focus on the fact that Chicklet is going to miss her class’s little Valentine celebration. :(

So here’s hoping for a smooth transition back to virtual schooling and the world of Zoom for a bit. And for NO germs to have been passed along to Chica through this direct exposure.

There will be some fun family testing in our near future for peace of mind—with or without symptoms.

Stay healthy, stay sane, peeps.

Over and out. 

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