Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Some Lonely Valentine Cards

So...I’ll just come right out and confess:

On this, our first day back to virtual schooling for Chicklet during her mandatory 14-day quarantine, we did little to very little schoolwork.

And by that, I mean we did none.




We pretty much just took a mental health day, and reminded Chicklet of the many joys of pajama living at home. 

Like snuggling in bed, watching cartoons after waking.

And bird watching when Daddy hollered for us to come see the awesomesauce aviary spectacle taking place right in our backyard. I’m talking hundreds and hundreds of birds, flitting back and forth between two of our trees, for like half an hour. Crazy!

Or going on a Chick-fil-A morning biscuit run and blasting some tunes whilst breakfasting in the dining room.

And, yup. I let Chicklet and Little Man get their video game on. :)

Basically, we just enjoyed the day, all lazy style, before we buckle down yomorrow.

But in my defense...

It was just a half day of school today, due to parent teacher conferences.

The only virtual teacher for first grade is actually out for a couple of days, so there was no Zoom for Chicklet to join.

And I spent a decent chunk of time on the phone with her teacher, anyway, for said parent-teacher conference.


A gimme day.

And we took it!

And then, once Chica was home shortly after lunch, I dragged my very willing nuggets to sit outside by the pool in the glorious weather, to enjoy some fresh air and a change of scenery whilst signing Valentine cards. 

Though I must admit, they’re going to be pretty sad, lonely Valentine cards this year, as we’re not allowed to send in candy or pencils of little trinkets this year, due to Covid protocols. And, of course, the Valentine cards themselves are going to school tomorrow to quarantine before they’re passed around, so things aren’t quite as loved up and loose and free this year, ha.

Kinda sad—especially after spending a tiny bit of time looking through old posts the other day, and reminding myself of the giant, raucous celebrations of Valentine’s past.

UGH. Those happy pics of Chicklet from 2019 just SLAY ME.


But...I suppose I just need to be grateful the kiddos get to trade cards at all. (Well, except for Chicklet, who will miss it due to quarantine. Double oye.) And I’m so grateful for such a beautiful afternoon to sit outside and spend some time together working on whatever versions of Valentines we can manage!


Taking Chicklet for rapid testing in the morning, now that we’re in the appropriate window, post-exposure.

So wish us luck! (And fortified nostrils, ha.)

Stay healthy, stay sane, peeps.

Over and out. 

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