Thursday, February 4, 2021

Virtual School Muscle Memory

Well, peeps.

It turns out that downshifting to virtual school while Chicklet is under her mandated quarantine is pretty much like riding a bike.

Logging into the various servers and apps, scrolling through the subject tabs for assignments, completing and submitting the work, by bit.

It’s all just so darn familiar.

As promised, after our gimme day yesterday, we got ourselves in gear, and actually finished science, social studies and double math, all while waiting for our rapid test appointment and the results—which were negative. Woohoo!

So by the time it was midmorning, Chicklet was done with her schoolwork (as it was slightly lighter because of a second, half-day of school due to parent/teacher conferences), Little Man was happily off at school (thanks to that negative rapid test), and Chicklet and I were free to indulge in a little one-on-one time.

Such a treat to have some special me-and-her fun. And I absolutely hauled Daddy up from his office at one point, just so we could make a Chicklet hug sandwich (where we smother her between us), just because we could.

I adore lavishing this special attention on her. So it was a total joy to play card games...



And Candy Land...

And Guess Who...

And Hungry Hippo.

And Operation.

And then treat her to a Happy Meal for lunch, just ‘cause she wanted it. :)

And then, it was an equal joy to leave her with Daddy while I went to grab Chica from school, and then run together to the grocery store on a specific mission of finding an obnoxious and delicious cake. Just because.

Mission accomplished.

And Chica was absolutely tickled to find a bumper sticker on the car right next to us that was a play on words from Harry Potter. The same words on the shirt she was wearing!!

Then I overloaded them with sugar...

And went to go grab Little Man from school (who was happily exhausted from soccer in 89-degree weather!!!).

Then we doodled, all together:

And, yup. I made mine rainbow. ;)

And then, as if the quality time couldn’t get any better...I managed to pile all my babies on the couch (they were laying all over me) for a full 45 minutes of snuggle fest and movie watching.


Pure heaven.

And so, so rare these days to find the time for it on a random weekday.

So...the moral of the story is that we are not at all suffering during Chicklet’s quarantine.

If anything, it’s given us permission to be a bit loosey-goosey with schedules, and gifted us little pockets of unexpected fun and time together. Sometimes one-on-one.

Talk to me again next week, when we’re farther back in the weeds of the virtual mania, but for now, we’re stable.

And looking forward to FRIYAY.

Stay healthy, stay sane, peeps.

Over and out. 

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