Saturday, February 6, 2021

Our Household Valentine Boxes—2021

So...way back in 2015, when Little Man was still in m’belly, and the girlies were tiny and adorable (as opposed to not-so-tiny anymore, but still tres adorable), we were having a hard time moving on from Christmas and all the decorations and projects that made it so fun.

So I took matters into my own hands and basically just ramped up our Valentine hoopla in a big way, so we could celebrate a new wave of holiday joy and all the trappings that came along with it.

We turned one of our Christmas trees into a Valentine tree, put decorations everywhere, stashed up on heart-related projects...and then I found these adorable, felt Valentine mailboxes for each kiddo, and decided to stash them with a little treat for the first 14 days of February, just to give us something super fun and festive to celebrate. On a daily basis. :)

If that’s not the definition of holiday extra, I don’t know what is.

But the tradition has stuck in a big way.

The kiddos are so, dang pumped to hop out of bed each morning and fly down to their boxes to see what treat is inside. Like mini Christmas mornings on repeat. ;)

And even though I’ll be the first to admit that 14 days of tiny treats is the epitome of spoiling my babies, it’s become a near and dear part of February in our household, so I just try to emphasize the gratitude of it all and not swim in the guilt.

And, let’s be real: I probably get just as much joy out of gathering the little stocking stuffer-like prizes as my kiddos get out of opening them. :)

I pulled up old posts from back in 2015...

UGH. Look at my tiny girlies! They got little Velcro watches that day, from the Tarjay dollar bins. :)

Seriously. We’ve accumulated years of little joys thanks to this fun tradition, and I’m sure it’s something that will continue indefinitely for us.

Additionally, I had the added benefit this year of realizing what a behavior motivator these Valentine boxes can be, ha.

There was an episode of bad behavior about 10 days ago, and Little Man’s punishment was losing a day—alas, the first day—of his Valentine box treat, and he was devastated.

Like, sobbing, snorting mess of blubbering tears kind of devastated to learn of his punishment. But he took it like a (little) man, as he kinda knew he deserved it. And I stuck with it, even though it made me sad to leave him out of the first day of February fun.

Needless to say...behavior has been top notch whenever the threat of losing another Valentine box day is busted out, haha.

Now. Some of the treats for this years boxes include:

Some days are just candy (like today’s treat of a box of Valentine Dots candy for each kiddo). And part of the joy is switching up smaller, candy-only days with something greater—like the first day, when the girlies each got a new Twisty Pet bracelet.


It really is such a joyful tradition within our household. And I think I’ve actually been most organized and most proud of the little trinkets I’ve found for the boxes this year than any year prior. So it’s nothin’ but happy vibes, and tomorrow, we’re already halfway done.’s to enjoying this small, indulgent things in life. Especially when it gives my babies a unique, happy tradition for the month of February.

Chica got some earrings in her basket the other day...

And here’s Little Man immediately diving into his Kanoodle game. I knew it would be right up my puzzle boy’s alley.

And Chicklet, my lover of STEM activities and science (well, Chica definitely is, too), was very in to her magnets. :)

And here they are, fashioning their bracelets before hopping in the car for school (on the day Chicklet ended up quarantined, ha).

Looking forward to the next week of this fun, and then on to Spring and Easter hoopla, next.

Always gotta have something in the pipeline, peeps!

Stay healthy, stay sane.

Over and out. 

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