Sunday, February 7, 2021

My Sunday Sweeties

Well, peeps.

It’s been a bit of a restorative weekend. Blessedly.

My hubby spent some lovely chunks of video game and play time with our crazies, freeing me up to just quietly churn and burn through some laundry, and get some extra shut-eye. I slept in yesterday morning and managed a brief nap this afternoon. And that is glorious.

Additionally, since my back sort of went out yesterday, the hubby forbid me from doing any other things on my to-do list, so I just got to tackle the low-key things like groceries and cooking and projects and some family time.

I’ll take it.

We’re still greatly enjoying our virtual church sermon/project time. I continue to love how much my babies actually listen to the sermons while crafting, and I adore how they’ve come to expect a little project and/or coloring while doing so.

It’s a win/win.

Here are our little Valentine crafts from the past two Sundays. Poppers and painted heart frames. With some Mario coloring thrown in. ;)

Hope you all have enjoyed this Super Bowl Sunday with a bit of extra family time.

Stay healthy, stay sane.

Over and out. 

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