Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Beyond NUTS

So...raise your hand if you feel a little (or a LOT) insane-in-the-membrane.

I think today might go down as one of the CRAZIEST of this restoration process.

It was truly mind-bending just how many contractors were on site, for multiple (multiple) moving parts.

Exterior painters.
Interior painters.
Pool restoration crew.
Garage technician.
Glass repair technician.
General contractor.

It was a revolving door, and just OVERWHELMINGLY insane. 

I very clearly remember my toughest day of renovation when we moved into this casa two years ago, and I’m pretty sure this might have been the restoration equivalent.

Though I’m kind of scared we might have even crazier times to come before all of this is said and done—probably another eight or nine weeks from now. :(

I mean, from the moment the giant truck loaded with pool plaster pulled up to the house, shortly after eight o’clock this morning, until, well...now. There hasn’t been a single moment to breathe.

It really felt like a joke of a madhouse. And I’m woman enough to admit that it was a bit too much for me—even as toughened as I’ve become on the home disaster front.

The plumber (who we know fairly well, now, and has seen our house in good times and various stages of destroyed) walked in this afternoon and said you’re still living here???

My thoughts exactly.

Which is why I’m so very grateful the kiddos and I are getting the heck outta dodge for a few days for a long drive to Oklahoma, and a relatively short trip, but perhaps a vital one for mental health reasons.

The hubby will join in a few days for a brief 36-hours before our return home. He’s going to man the fort here for a really important couple days of some major stages of projects that just can’t be left unattended.

And then we’ll all return back to this CRAZY casa for the next wave of madness.

I truly, truly, TRULY look forward to the day when I have NOTHING to report on the home front. Just beautiful and busy, NORMAL days with my babies. 

At the end of the day, this is just a house, and certainly NOT the most important thing in our lives. We are healthy and (on most non-restoration-addled days) happy, and I don’t lose sight of that.

Easy breezy times just have to be on our horizon again at some point.

Stay healthy, stay sane, peeps.

Over and out.

P.S. Adorable pic of the kiddos above comes thanks to a really coolio aunt and uncle birthday gift for Chicklet. Today was the OFFICIAL day. :) 

P.P.S. The pool restoration was pretty much completed today! Talk about a ridiculous process to watch. Oye, oye, OYE. Stressed me out to the max!

The water is filling up over the next 24 hours and I absolutely can’t wait to tackle some yardwork back there and really give the area some love, so we can enjoy the visual of the finished product.

MUCH MORE on the pool front with oodles of pics and details about the process in a post to come!

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