Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Dinner OUT

So...the word for today:



Toss that into our healing pile of Money Pit.

Because a couple of days ago, the hubby and I were tackling some light yard work, and when he took the chainsaw to a smaller tree that’s just outside our kitchen window (and appears to have died because of a previously growing vine that took it over), he found termites.


Because, WHY NOT??

And why not RIGHT NOW??

Because we don’t have enough to deal with and pay for! 


We left the tree alone, lest we encourage those subterranean suckers to move right on over to our house, and apparently, after consulting with the termite specialist today, that was the right call.

He spent a good, long while examining our house and property, inside and out, and we only have one area in a corner of the garage that seems to have termites that may or may not have been treated already in the past. 

But because we know we have them in that dang tree that needs to be removed, we can’t just ignore it. And an entire property of bait traps and termite treatment and prevention ain’t cheap.

I mean...really.

At this point, I feel like the only responsible thing to do is scheme up any number of imaginative problems that we might still encounter. Just so we can be ready.

I mean, seriously


When it’s time for dinner and your kitchen looks like this...

You eat out. 

Like, WAY out.

More misadventures from this insane-in-the-membrane house tomorrow.

Stay healthy stay sane, peeps.

Over and out. 

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