Thursday, March 25, 2021

Some House Disaster Doodles

Well, peeps.

Last night, I curled into the fetal position and went to sleep at 8:15 p.m. (About four hours earlier than my average, just to clarify).

And this morning, I managed to get all kiddos to school, let the drywall/painting crew inside the house, and caught up on laundry before they had to disconnect and move the washer and dryer. Then I crawled my exhausted, congested, absolutely crummy-feeling, sad sack self back into bed and woke again at noon (even with power tool noise and hammering going on downstairs).

In case it isn’t obvious, I’m not feeling so great. :(

And I think my sick-ick sleeping buddy of a few nights (ahem, Chicklet) passed along this particular yuckiness.

But considering she had a negative Covid test 36 hours ago and our symptoms are pretty identical, I’m not too concerned about that particular nightmare. I think this is just a seasonal punch or some other viral fun that is weighing me down. Big time.


This, too, shall pass.

And instead of whining some more about it, I’ll post some pics of the doodles Little Man and I have managed over the past couple of weeks. It continues to be a wonderful staple for us that we both enjoy so much on his non-school days. 

Even on the days when the buzz saw or staple gun or other miscellaneous power tools is so loud, we can hardly hear the instructions.

And I hope this summer, when more time allows, we can continue with doodles for all three of my babies. 

Superman (which we doodled on St. Patty’s day, so we added a four-leaf clover, ha):

Waterfall Landscape:

Pizza Man (who had an official name I’m forgetting and is from some TV show I also can’t name. And, look! Chicklet was home sick that day and joined in).:

And Charizard (apparently, this one is Pokémon):

Here’s hoping for less congestion and more happy doodles mañana.

Stay healthy, stay sane, peeps.

Over and out. 

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