Friday, March 26, 2021

Pink Eye & Pool Tile

Okay, peeps.

Remember how I was saying I should just brainstorm all the things that could go wrong around here because we just can’t seem to catch a break and I’d rather be mentally prepared for ANY eventuality???


I never thought to put freaking pink eye on that doomsday list. 

But that’s our bit of “fun” for today.


We’ve been chock full o’ the allergies as a household this past week, so it wasn’t surprising when Chica’s eye was itching yesterday. But it started looking a little suspicious, and then started spreading to her other eye, so I just went with my Mama gut and brought her to the doc today, and...yup.


And highly contagious.

And I’m very suspicious Little Man is in the early stages of it, as well (they’ve been sharing a bed during this winter storm disaster house debacle, and end up snuggling face to face all night), and I’m pretending my eyes aren’t a little itchy as we speak. Let’s hope I’m just paranoid.


I mean...seriously.

Never. A. Dull. Day.

Last note on this front: my beautiful, kind-hearted eldest, who loves school so very much, actually sobbed in the car after her appointment when she found out she didn’t get to return for the second half of the school day, ha.

Love this kid (crawling amongst our renovation-displaced figs) like crazy.

In other crazy news today: the pool restoration began, and HOLY GOODNESS, is it a bit stressful to witness!

As a refresh:

Plaster wasn’t great to begin with.
Pool pump broke during winter storm.
Half the pool drained.
Then the remaining water froze over.
We had no access to running water for days.
Plaster exposed to the freezing air began to crumble.

Aaaaand...forced pool restoration began.

Because we couldn’t patch this mess.
They don’t even make this color plaster anymore.
And we couldn’t very well scrape off the broken bits and just fill it back up.


BUH BYE Mountain Stream Green plaster that everyone always thought was full of algae.

Sorry, not sorry to see you go (but very, VERY sorry for the money you are costing us).


Because pool restoration is NOT cheap OR easy, we’re a one-and-done with this process.

And removing the worn, not-great blue tile while the plaster is being redone and replacing it with something refreshed and modern while we’re living through this mess was only a smallish incremental cost and just the best thing to do to get it ALL OVER WITH.

So today, they drained the rest of the pool and removed all the tile. And began to make grooves at regular intervals throughout the plaster that will apparently help them remove it all over the next two days.

Hilariously, just when we thought they were wrapping up for the day, we had the BIGGEST SHOCK EVER when they began slapping our gorgeous new tile onto the pool. I mean...totally shocked!

We’d been warned that they handle the tile part first, but it seems insane-in-the-membrane that they put fresh, new, beautiful tile up before the old plaster demo is complete, but...I’m just gonna trust the experts (because I seriously have no brainpower to question them at this point).

So, here’s a sneak peek.

Hellooooo, beautiful.

Welcome to our property.

It is stunning.


The tile is named Aurora, and we just love it.

Considering we back up to a great deal of natural landscape and nature preserve—and that we’ve long been accustomed to a hilariously-green but admittedly blends-in-with-the-landscape-kind-of-pool—we wanted to keep the tile color very earthy and gorgeous, rather than going for a more jolting or manufactured aqua or traditional blue-toned color. 

This tile reminds me of a sunset in all its iterations and it’s just lit on fire by the light at various angles. I think it will contrast and complement so beautifully with our soon-to-be very normal-colored, blue pool.

And I can’t wait to see it in all its glory.

In about four or five days (fingers crossed).

Okay peeps.

Our attention will now shift towards BIG, FUN, ENERGY-REQUIRING endeavors, because...

It’s my Chicklet’s BIRTHDAY WEEKEND!!!

Her official bday is next Tuesday, but you know how we go all out with decorations, and no kiddo wants to wake to that kind of fun and get shuffled out the door for school 10 minutes later, ha.

So Sunday (Palm Sunday!) will be our extravagantly decorated family celebration. :)

And then on Tuesday, for her actual birthday, she’ll get to bring sweets to celebrate with her classmates.

Wish us luck and enough energy to make it through!

Over and out. 

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