Friday, April 23, 2021

A Restoration Reprieve

Well, peeps.

We did it!

We managed to escape our crazy casa.

So, helloooooo, from our little weekend escape!

I’m still in a small state of disbelief that we managed to pull this off—thanks to our home owner’s insurance pulling through.

NEVER have I been happier to blow the popsicle stand that is our circus of a house.

And despite our kiddos’ general tendency to totally go with the flow, I think they were pretty pumped to escape the hammering and claustrophobic vibe of the casa, too.’s the gist of how this came about:

Since the beginning of this whole winter storm/burst pipe disaster, it’s been well within our right (thanks to the terms of our specific insurance policy) to find a rental/hotel/alternative place to stay and/or live while our house is being torn apart and put back together. 

And the hubby and I have seriously discussed many options to leave the madness for period of time, to help maintain our sanity.

But every time we’ve discussed it, weighed the pros and cons, and factored in the upheaval it would cause the kiddos, we always decided to stay put. Especially considering the revolving door of contractors that requires us to be on site and in the weeds of daily activity. 

So despite the pain of being in the house for the past 10 weeks, it’s been the right decision for us.

But. This past week has been a toughie one.

Losing the kitchen—along with relocating all of our kitchen items to other nooks and crannies of the house that were already overflowing with relocated possessions—has been a lot.

On top of the restoration chaos, the power tool noise, the smells and dust and general angst. Oye.

So...earlier this week, knowing we were facing a long weekend of being cooped up with the kiddos, since they were off school on Friday, we discussed the idea of getting the heck outta dodge for a couple of days and finally going to a hotel.

We called our insurance adjuster and he said, yep, absolutely. And gave us the number for a woman within another division who could set us up with direct payment for the hotel.


Here’s the point where I still can’t believe our luck. 

We decided to just request the one place we’ve ever really stayed as a family locally.

A pretty amazing resort that just so happens to be 13(ish) minutes away from our house, but a world away in vibe.

It’s been a favorite of ours the couple of times we’ve stayed here. And, ironically, it’s served as a bit of a respite from other life craziness both times we’ve booked a visit in the past. Including this round in April 2019, when we were still very much in the thick of our move and renovation disaster.

In fact, pulling up today gave me a bit of deja vu, considering the parallel circumstances of seeking an extravagant refuge out here.

We had little hope our insurance contact would book our requested reservation without question. But next thing we knew, the confirmation of adjoining rooms for a weekend breather was in our email, and we literally just tossed random stuff in suitcases this afternoon and bailed.

I totally and completely recognize the privilege and good fortune of being able to escape like this for 48 hours. Especially to a place the kiddos absolutely adore, with water activities that will have them absolutely bursting with joy tomorrow.

But I’ve also never felt more confident that we will really benefit from this. It will help to fortify our worn down mental reserves so we can power through this final, painful few weeks of the restoration process.

A literal breath of fresh air to fill our weary (and dust filled!) lungs.

The kiddos are dying to jump in the water tomorrow.

And I’m dying to gorge on a breakfast buffet. ;)

So wish us luck in a bit of restoration for the next day and a half.

Even if we’ll be sneaking back to the house a time or two for ongoing contractor happenings.

Already, this evening, when the hubby had to drive back to the house to check in with the flooring contractor and lock everything safely up, it was a joy for me to have special, extended story time with the kiddos before bed, in a calm and uncluttered environment.

We’re going to do our best to really soak in some undivided family time. 

And good old-fashioned Vitamin D.

Wishing you all the best Spring weekend.

Stay healthy, stay sane.

Over and out. 

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