Friday, May 14, 2021

April/May 2021 Doodles!

TGIF, peeps, and I could not be happier about it, after a long week (and a wildly eventful bedtime tonight—that I’ll tell you about mañana).

Looking forward to having Daddy home tomorrow, and perhaps a tiny bit of down time at some point.

But for now...a recap of some of the doodles Little Man and I have completed in the past six weeks or so, since it’s been awhile since I shared any. (Side note: what a trip it was to look back and see all the eventful life happenings of the last month and a half during the drawing of these doodles. Never a dull day around here, peeps!).

I’m not gonna lie—I’ve started to get quite sentimental this week, acknowledging that I’ll soon be losing my doodle buddy when he’s in kindergarten next year. :( It’s been such a gem of an activity that we both equally enjoy, and the portfolios we’ve built are such amazing keepsakes.

But I console myself by hoping I might have some chances to doodle with all three of my babies as summer approaches. Just like we did so often during quarantine. And that will be such a joy, as well. 

This shark one is an all-time favorite of mine. I adore how he so creatively filled in the entire background. :)

And then we followed it up with another super memorable one with this snake. And it was a crazy day of enough contractors in the house that we had to hole up in his bedroom—and watched out the window as painters were on ladders at the roof line, ha.

And I personally lurv this cute little turtle:


Over and out. 

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