Thursday, May 13, 2021

We Can See You, Summer!

Holy, moly, moly, am I wiped this evening!

Not only am I still navigating the move back into the house, along with the hubby away this week, leaving me on solo duty, but I was kind of an idiot and spent a decent chunk of my day doing yard work. The mulching is never ending (no joke; we purchased 180 bags and are down to about 40).

But it’s all for the end goal of having the worst of the exterior grunt work complete around the time the interior is wrapping up, as well. So we can sail into summer wild and fancy free!!

You know, it’s so funny to think that, despite our quarantined summer of 2020, the thing I’m MOST looking forward to is just staying at home and being lazy as all get out, spending quality time with my babies.

It was actually hysterical to admit to another mother yesterday that I have little desire to take advantage of summer camps and activities to keep us busy. I know we’ll make our own fun, and I do have the kiddos enrolled in a couple of little things, but mostly, we just want to CHILL. And recover. And live in our house again, fully restored!

So bring on the sunscreen, and the happy smiles, and the movie days, and the themed crafting. We are SO ready for it. As these pics so clearly show, ha.

Memorial Day Weekend and the official opening of this restored pool of ours can’t come soon enough!

I worked on some massive weeding and mulching of this retaining wall bed today (again, I want to ENJOY the pool and the atmosphere in two weeks and not be staring at growing weeds I need to destroy), and it was hysterical to heave-ho the mulch bags up there, oye.

It really is insane to look at the calendar and know we really are in the home stretch of the school year and about to dive in to swim time.

Standardized testing for Chica wrapped up yesterday, both girlies have their final spelling tests tomorrow, there are no new homework assignments from this point forward. I mean...the end is absolutely in sight!

Even the extra-curriculars are wrapping up.

Little Man completed his final day of soccer today, and was pumped to receive his very first sports medal. :)

He’s enjoyed his little foray into soccer so much that I think we’ll definitely enroll him in something for the Fall, as well.

As for the girlies...they received their bonus dance recital shirts today, have their dress rehearsal during their final class next week, and then it’s a short break before the recital on June 5th.

Call me a bad parent for admitting that I have never been more excited about social restrictions than to discover the dance studio has broken up the recitals into 15-minute mini recitals this year. Three dance numbers only. With the auditorium being fully cleared out between each round.

And since the girlies dances are slotted to be within the same 15-minute mini show, that’s all we have to sit through. And if you’ve ever endured a child’s looooong dance recital, you will join me in saying Amen, Halleluiah! I almost cried.

Also. It takes away a bit of the stage fright for the girlies to know it’s not such a massive productionhis go around.

Chica’s ballet shoes got painted last week to match her costume and she was tickled pink (yep, I went there) about them.

So, all in all, things on all fronts are WRAPPING UP. And we are soooooooo ready for it. It’s time to stick a fork in this most challenging of school years in recent history and breathe a bit easier.

Happy Almost Weekend, peeps.

Over and out.

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