Wednesday, May 5, 2021

“Buckle Down” Shirt Handsome

Okay, peeps.

Can we just talk about my (giant, old) baby boy for a minute?? And about the fact that he is sooooo ready for kindergarten and about to say see ya to his preschool days. For good.

It hurts me (like, cuts me DEEP) that less than two years ago, he was this smooshy-face cuteness on his first day of Pre-K:

And, now, he’s this giant bean-stock of a too-cool little boy, who is so whip smart (like already doing two digit addition and subtraction) that’s he’s going to slay his schoolwork come Fall. :)


Can we just talk about his personal style that he rocks like nobody’s business.

Like all of my kiddos, my boy definitely knows what he likes to wear. And he’s more particular about the fit and fabric of his pants than even his Daddy (and if you know my hubby, that’s saying something, ha).

So imagine my utter delight when he came home last week and said:

Mama. Mrs. (inset teacher’s name) says we have to wear something handsome next week. A buckle down shirt.

And I tried to clarify that he probably meant button-down. But, nope. It was “buckle down” in his mind. I mean...I die.

He’d been instructed that the girls needed to be fancy, and the boys should try for handsome, and he was so cute about delivering these instructions to me that I decided to let him shop for something new, as a special little treat.

And he was pumped.

And it was an absolute joy and riot to take him to a couple places (where we struck out; nothing near soft enough, ha), and then to Tar-jay (the winner) where he felt the inside of every pair of pants and shirt before making any selections, and then adorably set his chosen outfit on the ground, like a flat Stanley mannequin, so he could examine the net result and make sure it was all to his satisfaction.

I mean...So. Stinking. Cute.

He’s so, dang fun to shop with. And dangerous, since he just flings things into the cart when I’m not looking, ha.

I love my handsome boy in his “buckle down” so much that I tried to match him, and was so tickled to be able to attend a very Covid-safe, pared down Spring performance at his preschool. Complete with a rousing rendition of “Let’s Go Fly a Kite,” along with a couple of tricky Spanish songs with corresponding choreography. Impressive!

Teacher appreciation flowers...

I’m just so grateful to be all-the-way excited about my boy’s transition from preschool to elementary.

I think it helps so much that this is my third go-around with this life stage, and that all three of my babies will be in school together. There’s so much comfort in that. But it also also helps that Little Man is SO ready.

Seriously can’t believe how quickly we’re winding down this school year. About one more week of actual work, and then we’re going to be coasting to the finish line!

(If only our home restoration could coast to the finish line so easily, ha.)

Happy Hump Day, peeps.

Stay healthy, stay sane.

Over and out. 

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