Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Our Tiny Vegetable Garden!

Well, peeps.

In case you were wondering...these are the faces of enthusiastic gardeners on a random Tuesday afternoon between storms:


But first, let’s rewind and talk about this weather.

We’ve had rain for days, with more to come, but it’s been a crazy swings where we’ll have severe thunderstorms followed by sun an hour later. Talk about whiplash!

Here was the sky (when I was at a stoplight) on the way to pick up Little Man from school today. Oye.

We barely made it back in our car after a quick grocery store errand before this happened:

It was so strange and a little ominous to sit in the school pickup line for the girlies while streak lightning was flashing all around the car, and the rain was coming down in buckets! Crazy.

But then, wouldn’tcha know it...an hour or so later, it was sunny(ish) again. Or at least nice enough that I hauled the kiddos outside after dinner to tackle a little project that’s been in the pipeline for awhile.

A little vegetable garden! A first for us (*jazz hands*).

You might recall our fun little round of assembling some potted plants a month or so ago. Hilariously, we tackled that project indoors, because we didn’t have floors yet, so soil and mess wasn’t a big deal, ha.

And the kiddos were so tickled by getting their hands (literally) dirty that I decided to pull the trigger on assembling our very own little, experimental vegetable garden.

I took some time searching online for an affordable, adaptable set of planters and found one I liked that could be arranged in any number of configurations. And then the kiddos and I picked out some vegetable plants from the store.

And then...we stalled on our progress due to life insanity.

I managed to select a spot for us to place our planters (within the retaining wall flower bed along the back of the house), but needed time to weed it out.

And then I needed time to assemble the planters (which I finally did last weekend).

And before I knew it, a month had passed and our little veggie plants were dying to get settled in the soil.

So tonight it happened!

My babies were adorably game to get their gardening on.

We planted some yellow squash...

And some cherry tomatoes...

And the most heavenly-smelling sweet basil. Yum.

And then, for our final available planter, we went with seeds instead of another plant (just for kicks), and selected cucumber.

Having never attempted any vegetable or herb growing in the past, I have NO idea if we’ll have any success. And I’m sure we did a million things wrong.

But it’s an experimental, fun project, and we’ll just see what comes of it. :)

And now. A bonus round of pics from yesterday evening, during another break in weather. I dragged the family outside to eat by the pool, and we enjoyed a solid (but humid) half hour before more rain came in.

Definitely counting down every school day (eight more to go!).

Sooooo ready for the summer break and a change of pace. 

But we’ll take this rain (as inconvenient as it is, sometimes), because the next wave of temperatures down here will be hot, HEAT, hot for many months to come.

Wishing everyone a Happy Tuesday!

Over and out. 

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