Wednesday, July 14, 2021

My July Babies (Out And About Edition)

You see these adorable babies in this sea of autumn gloriousness at Hobby Lobby today??

Well. As cute as they are, and as much time and love and attention as I’ve lavished on them…it might have all been for naught. Because I guess they’re not biologically mine. 

Case in point: when we walked in the store and saw the pumpkins and scarecrows and Fall HEAVEN that was already set up, they wanted to know why??? And complained that it was too early. And that Halloween was still months away.

So then, not only was I crying tears of joy at seeing the Fall gloriousness with my own eyes, but I was also crying over the very real possibility that my beautiful babies do not share my DNA.

Deep sigh.

I kid.

(But only a little).

‘Cause I know they can get their holiday on like nobody’s business.

At least they’re still cute enough to be fabric-picker-outer helpers, despite their inappropriate response to Fall decorations. ;)

I’m so happy to report that we had the best time OUT and ABOUT today. First time truly clothed and among civilization for any length of time within the last 10 days, tehe.

We originally ventured out on a book mission, to find Chica the 5th book in this series she’s been devouring. And we were victorious!

All three of my crazies were so happy browsing.

It actually made me pretty nostalgic because I have so many memories of hauling them all to the mall back in Frisco when they were tiny and the whole ordeal was pretty laborious and painful, but it was sometimes just necessary to get out of the house and entertain us all.

They’re so old now!!! And such happy book babies. :)

I just adore adore their choices that are so representative of their personalities. Chica is going to finish this 5th book by tomorrow; Little Man was pumped to get permission to buy (and read together) this little zombie book series he’s heard about; and Chicklet is going to be a cat expert in no time—despite the fact that I’m a terrible Mama who just won’t give her a pet, ha.

After the book store and Target and Hobby Lobby, we had the great joy of eating INSIDE our Chick-fil-A that just re-opened for dine-in last month, at long last!

I mean…talk about the simple joys of running errands and treating my babies to some food and book treats making for a lovely summer day.

Top it all off with some swimming again, and it was another golden day for us.

Busy, but golden.

Looking forward to a little play and swim date tomorrow with friends, and then more home laziness and projects and down time for our final week before grandparent visits.

Happy Hump Day, peeps!

Over and out. 

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