Thursday, July 15, 2021

Quintessential Summertime Play

Warning: sentimental post up ahead. Detour to avoid sappy feelings.


So…I feel a bit like a broken record for the past week or so, waxing poetic about all the great Summer days we’ve been having that are chock full of fun activity, but balanced out by some much-needed downtime.

And, yeah, sure, we’ve had our normal sibling bickering and time outs and small attitude adjustments needed, like always, so please don’t think we’ve had nothing but good times, but…still. During this interim couple of weeks without a ton of plans—our only true “break” of the Summer—life has been happy. And solid around our casa.

Today, we reconvened our weekly play date with the family down the street (after both of us had been out of town during overlapping time frames and are now back), and it was just one of those perfect, easily-social days.

The play date spanned nearly four hours in total—first at their house and then back down the street to our house, and if the kiddos would have had their way, it would have continued all night, flip-flopping back and forth, ha.

And after they finally left, and my babies and I were taking just a final 10 minutes to swim in the gorgeous sunshine, I had one of those moments of gratitude for this time with kiddos, and for our life as a family. But that gratitude spiraled out in many directions, which is what made it so beautiful.

First—it’s just an absolute joy to have become familiar enough with some neighborhood friends that we can invade one another’s space without any warning or pre-planned cleaning and not feel the need to cover up what our houses actually look like, when no outsiders are coming in. That’s a stage in a friendship that I don’t take lightly, knowing how hard I’ve had to work for it in the past and how lovely it is to establish that again—especially after an era of social distancing where everything had to hit pause..

Second—what a relief and blessing to be able to truly foster the socialization of my babies at this point, with slightly less fear of germs and acceptable distancing. When I compare it to where we were a year ago—my goodness, I don’t think I’ll ever take these kind of days when you can interact freely for granted.

And third—holy amazing, to be on the flip side of our restoration process and to be able to breathe just a bit without all of that hanging over our heads. To have the ability to invite friends over, or to splash in a fully restored pool without the burden of unfamiliar contractors waltzing about and tearing up your property as if they own the place.

It’s no secret—because I’ve said it (read: typed it) so many times just how challenging SA and the past couple of years have been for us in a variety of ways. And yet, through it all, we’ve maintained such a happy family unit and beautiful babies who are bubbling with joy and energy.

And it’s just a wonderful thing after a really insane first half of the year—and an unbelievable 18 months, worldwide—to be able to have just enough perspective to sit back (or float back, in the heavenly pool water), and let the sun shine down and appreciate all the good. Big things, little things, and everything in between.

That’s all.

Just feeling grateful for my babies and our life today, and feel like it’s a good thing to take a moment to write it down. 

You know…for me to reflect upon the next time my crazies make me wanna pull all my (increasingly gray) hair out. ;)

Happy Almost Friday, peeps.

Over and out.

P.S. I love this photo that popped up on my phone from one year ago, today, when we masked up and went to the driving range, just to get out.

I can’t believe how much my baby-faced boy has grown in a year. Love this kid.

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