Monday, August 9, 2021

Some Fine Arts Exposure

Okay, peeps.


Mildly braggadocios Mama moment forthcoming. With a side-dose of waxing nostalgic. Proceed with caution.


Back in May, Chica was selected as one of only 12 students from her elementary school to participate in an ensemble choir to perform at these really special, district-wide convocation ceremonies to kick off the new school year.

Basically, it’s a chance for various departments within the fine arts of our school district to showcase some lovely talent and bring a little pomp, circumstance and spirit to the administrative launch of the year.

There are seven high schools within our district, which means seven performances across two days. And every teacher and administrator from all elementary, middle and high schools is present for one of these seven ceremonies.

It’s kind of a big deal—more so than I expected, and such a lovely thing for Chica to experience.

She was chosen by her choir director for two reasons: her lovely little songbird tendencies, and her responsible behavior. Because the performances require a lot of patience, the days are long (riding the school bus across the district to each high school and then laboring through sound checks and rehearsals, and the actual shebang), and the choir directors have enough on their hands without wrangling off-the-wall kiddos.

Because I’m a mild glutton and volunteered to chaperone both a rehearsal day (last Thursday), and a performance day (alllllll day today), I’ve had the great privilege of being a fly on the wall, and I feel the need to wax a bit poetic about how grateful I am for Chica’s participation.

Let me count the ways…

First: I grew up absolutely immersed in the fine arts, so this experience hits very close to home as something the hubby and I would absolutely love our kiddos to enjoy and appreciate over time.

As I’ve shared on this here blog in the past, ballet was my life for many, many years, and as an apprentice of our local Ballet Theatre, I was absolutely entrenched in all things artistic performance. 

From a purely musical standpoint, I spent years upon years in ballet classes set to live pianists, marveled at the incredible surround-sound involvement of a live orchestra for all professional performances, and I just can’t say enough about how music moves me. Literally.

Additionally, beyond my ballet extracurriculars that were centered around music, my siblings and I were also pretty dang involved with the fine arts within our district.

From vocal lessons to ensemble choir, show choir church choir, annual musicals and and piano lessons for years, we pretty much had exposure to it all. And had the bonus of season tickets to musicals within our city and operas thrown in here and there for kicks and giggles.

So…yeah. The fine arts are not expendable in my opinion, and I’m so glad to see that our school district fosters so many outlets for kiddos as they age within the system.

Which brings me to my second bit of waxing poetic:

Man oh man oh MAN was it absolutely glorious to sit in a high school auditorium last week and witness Chica’s first exposure to all sorts of opportunities that are out there for her (and all three of my beautiful babies!), if the desire is there.

She got to witness a special brass section, drill team dancers, cheerleaders, a drum line, soloists from more advanced choirs—along with her own ensemble choir—and it just lit me up inside to see her taking it all in like a sponge.

There is nothing quite like that rumbling drum beat of the marching band that vibrates the seats at every pep rally and home game, or the rally of some animated spirit team members or the blare of a trumpet in a particularly moving orchestral piece.

It. Is. Awesomesauce.

And all part of an immersive, well-rounded educational experience (in my humble, swayed opinion), and I love knowing that the years are ahead when my kiddos can enjoy such things more and more. Firsthand, if they so choose.

And the third and final reason I’m so very stinking grateful for Chica’s participation in this: the unique and exhilarating (and a bit terrifying) energy that comes with a live performance to a live audience.

There is nothing like standing backstage in the dark before the stage lights flare to life and experiencing the acoustical difference of any number of theater situations—not to mention overcoming and perhaps even enjoying the nerves that come with it all.

Both my girlies have had the chance to experience this several times with their dance recitals, and it really is something I hope all my kiddos get many chances to enjoy as they age—if they’re so inclined.

Now. One final thing to note that’s perhaps the most important thing of all:

God. Bless. TEACHERS.

They truly make a difference.

I had so many instructors in all walks of my life that left lasting impressions, and I’ve been so grateful during my time chaperoning this shebang to witness so many dedicated fine arts teachers within our district. 

It’s a joy and privilege to witness their enthusiasm and know that it’s hopefully planting seeds in many, many young hearts and minds, and I’m so grateful for those who are called to such areas of eduction.

Final two item of honorable mention go to the hubby for holding down the fort with Chicklet and Little Man during these inconvenient days of my volunteering. And shout out to the rare chance of traveling to so many high schools within our school district. When would Chica or I ever get this kind of back-stage chance and access??

So…in summary, in case you can’t tell, my general message is this:



Over and out.

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