Sunday, August 29, 2021

Welp. We Made It Two Weeks.

So…I know it was only a matter of time before the sick ick took us down, but I was only joking when I predicted it would be less than a month in to the school year. :(


A time lapse of our weekend would go something like this…

Friday, after school, Chicklet was ultra-tired (as expected, in these early, school year acclimation days), but still able to make a couple of enthusiastic flying leaps:

But quickly lost that energy and began complaining of a sore throat (yikes). Additionally, she made herself a supportive walking device (completed with a protective wrapping at the base to protect the hardwood floors, tehe):

Overnight, she woke crying with tons of congestion and ended up our bed buddy, and we made an appointment at urgent care for rapid tests (that came back negative for all three kiddos). Doc suspects RSV and said we could come back if she spiked a fever—which she did by afternoon. Booooo.

She spent another night in our room (on a separate twin mattress), and most of the day in bed or on the couch. Her fever ebbs and flows with medicine, but her cough was heinous for most of the day.

So…guess who will have a sick buddy tomorrow—on my 40th birthday, no less. Oye.

Naturally, I had a human moment where I wanted to be a little crotchety and pity-party-like over the poor timing of the germs. I mean, both the hubby and I had high hopes to do something to celebrate both of our 40th bdays this year, but life just hasn’t dealt us the right cards.

Oh, well. I know my beloved Chicklet doesn’t want to be home sick, either, so we’re just gonna make the best of it, and hope she continues to recover (she already had more energy by this evening; we just have to get rid of this cough).

And as my good and decent human of a hubby reminded me (when I wanted to get all blue over the kind of bummer BDay weekend): it’s not like we didn’t get the low-key vibe I would have requested anyway.

I did two mornings of yard work, managed some elliptical time both days, had a nap both afternoons with my sick buddy, cooked all of our meals but one, caught up on laundry, cleaned some bathrooms. Ya know—just slow and steady and the kind of slow weekend I typically want for a birthday, regardless, ha.

And, look—before the sick ick settled in, the hubby and I had a glorious lunch out on Friday and some time together, which is kind of a miracle in and of itself. And fortuitous timing for us to fit it in early. :)

And look at the rainbow of ribbons my sweet Chica set out for my decorations. :)

Can you see her up there on the landing, situating things??

In the end, it’s probably for the best that this pesky 40th just rolls on by, like any other birthday. ;)

And we have many, many, many blessings to count on this day—and every day—so we’ll kindly disregard some yucky germs.

Happy Sunday, peeps!

Hope you all are staying healthy and sane.

Over and out. 

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