Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Book Fair Buzz

Man, oh man, oh man, peeps.

My kiddos have had the BEST and most exciting diversion this week. The classic that was oh so missed last year during the pandemic mania.

The one.

The only.

The incomparable…

School book fair!

My kiddos—all three now in elementary and able to partake—could not have been more excited for this fun event. And I was actually pretty darn happy to volunteer on Monday for the cuteness explosion of all kiddos—by class and grade level—coming to peruse and write up their wish lists.

I mean…dictating on behalf of little kindergartners with wide eyes and no sense of the monetary value of things was pretty absolutely PRESH-US.

And I even got to be around for two of my own babies as they looked around with stars in their eyes.

Following the Wish List Monday, Chica’s day to officially shop was yesterday; Chicklet’s was today; Little Man’s is tomorrow. And they’ve all been super adorable about it all. Adding up the necessary costs and crossing their fingers that their wish list books aren’t sold out.

This is one of Chicklet’s that came home…

And (naturally) it came with a squishy little octopus that she played with all afternoon (even carting it along to our playground play date with friends) and she’s currently sleeping with it, as well.

For the record, my kiddos were absolutely not the the only kiddos pumped about the book fair and the fun purchases. We actually spent a ton of time at the playground READING today with our little neighborhood friends. On a gorgeous afternoon—the first we were able to return to some outdoor play after months of the heinous Summer heat.

So, basically, it’s been a really adorable week of lots of cute kiddo behavior and excitement. 

But we’re also pretty tired and glad tomorrow is already Thursday. 

Happy Hump Day, peeps.

Over and out. 


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