Friday, September 24, 2021

Pecan Pie Layer Cake!

Okay, peeps.

Today, please enjoy the results of our happy-silly round of marital baking—all thanks to: a) a slow Friday morning, b) our Halloween baking show giving us ideas, c) the hubby’s longing for a carb overload, and…d) all three kiddos now in elementary school. ;)

Not much to be said—except to note that we began with smiles and ended with smiles, too. Pretty victorious, yes?

For the record, the hubby said it tasted like “the epitome of Fall.” And that’s pretty much the best compliment in the world—especially considering it was gluten-free/dairy-free.

Alas, I’ve been a bit under the weather with respiratory/congestion gunk that has totally slayed my appetite, so my taste test will have to come when I can stomach it.

Soon, I hope.

In the meantime, I see more cake in our future since it’s Little Man’s birthday weekend!

Happy Friday, peeps.

Over and out. 

P.S. Yes, yes I did chop about seven inches off my hair last week. First time having it short-ish in about five to six years—though it must not look that different since my kiddos didn’t even notice, ha. Here’s a shot of it when I’m not baking at 7:30 a.m. and it’s actually fixed:

Nice to have a change for the first time in AGES. Apparently, I’m right on track with the steps of my midlife crisis. ;)

P.P.S. Look at the picture that popped up on my phone from this week, three years ago. My gorgeous Chicklet when she was home sick. Under the weather but stunningly beautiful. 

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