Saturday, September 4, 2021

Goooooooo DONUTS! (And Fall Football)


True story: more than a decade ago, when the hubby and I were young, thin and and unbothered (read: ignorant) by food choices, we used to have “Donut Saturday” during football season.

Basically, we’d go buy a dozen (or two) of every shape, size and flavor, and we’d work our way through them, happily—and then marvel at how we always seemed to feel so crummy by midday. ;)

Ah, the blissful joys of youth.

Fast forward about 10 years, three kids, and oodles of time and devotion spent on the hubby and his gut health, and this morning was a very different—but absolutely scrumptious—Donut Saturday to kick off football season. 

And I just had a moment when I thought of how far we’ve come, hehe.

I give you some AMAZEBALLS, gluten-free, dairy-free, baked, cinnamon donuts that were truly mouthwatering.

Chica wandered down to help when I had them baking in the oven, so she acted as my assistant for the last few steps. :)

These will for sure be a happy-weekend-morning treat, when time allows. I can already envision modifying these in all sorts of fun ways.

Also. I think we’re gonna try making some donut holes tomorrow or Monday. Yay, for simple baking fun. :) Now, if only we had a freaking OVEN (we’re still waiting on our delayed (delayed, delayed) oven and microwave we ordered in February when our winter storm disaster totaled our appliances!).

Oven challenges aside…it really is funny to stop and think of how different our home cooking and baking is from just a few, short years ago. Obviously, the hubby’s health demanded some major changes, but, honestly, none of it would have been possible without our children aging a bit. 

I can sooooo remember the years when it was a struggle to just boil a pot of pasta with three tiny kiddos underfoot.

And a massive struggle for the hubby to sit through even a quarter of a football game without child-related interruptions. I mean…the angst.

Which makes it all the more joyful to now have the capacity for better food preparation—and to rope the kiddos into the making of it. And to watch more than a quarter of a football game—sometimes with the kiddos joining in.

Life ebbs and flows in big ways and small, all the time. And it’s nice to stop and take note of the then/now moments when you can—like today, with our donuts.

Bonus pics of family swim time. Sooooo grateful for this three-day weekend.

Over and out.

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