Monday, September 6, 2021

Summer 2021 Wrap-Up

Oh. My. Heavens. PEEPS.

Labor Day unofficially marks the END of Summer (obviously), and I’d like to say I’m mournful of the lazy days in our rear view mirror, but the truth is: I’m PUMPED.

For two reasons.

First, because this time of year is my absolute favorite. In fact, I think the September/October zone is like the Friday night of the holiday season: you know amazing things are ahead, but it’s all just beginning, so the excitement and anticipation is at all time high, without any of the fatigue or ennui that it’s all passing by too quickly.

And second, because there’s a certain glorious satisfaction to feeling like you did a season up right. And I feel like we lived our best Summer 2021 life possible, soaked in all the goodness it had to offer, and managed to accomplish all of our official Summer Intentions. So there’s very little sadness in turning the page and looking forward to a whole new season of amazeballs.

So now, without further delay, I give you some of my favorite pics of our Hot as Hades months. It was a beautiful run with my hubby and happy babies:

So long, Summer!

Fall…heeeeere we come!

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