Friday, September 17, 2021

Halloween Costume Shenanigans Day!

Well, peeps.


This week, we officially ramped up our spookmania in a BIG WAY: projects, pumpkin buying, decorating, and…costumes!

I’m not even gonna pretend we’re that household that waits until a respectable October date to purchase costumes. We just can’t hold ourselves back in that way.

In fact, I’m wildly impressed that we waited this long—considering there were a couple years when we purchased in August, ha.

Basically, our rule of thumb is this: if Tar-jay has costumes, there’s no shame in our game. And we’ve learned the hard way to buy early or you’ll miss out.

So off we went!

After school, to unleash the kiddos amongst the aisles and let the entertainment begin. 

Never fails. :)

And the eye-opening tidbit for this year is that they went a little more creepy and ghoulish for the first time, tehe. 

I give you…


ZOMBIE DRAGON (without his glowing, creepy mask):


I mean, this trio of awesome Halloween costume randomness just warm my heart to no end.

And, yes, yes we did start to decorate the casa yesterday, as evidenced by the explosion in the background of these pics. :)

I seriously lurv costume day for our crew. And I’m always to grateful to have the hubby along to witness the fun firsthand, as well. :) Happy family memories, for sure. 

And speaking of happy memories…Little Man rocked the BEST happy-silly dance in the world when he put on his costume. I DIE. 

That smile. Lights up my LIFE.

And speaking of lighting up my life…despite some terrible and painful mornings getting my trio out the door, they all had such solid weeks at school.

Each of them received some sort of award or accolade within the classroom, and I even had a fellow mother tell me how incredibly well-behaved they are (to which I laughed, and told her we have everybody fooled).

But good moods or bad, positive school weeks or negative…my crazies are always so, darn cute and entertaining.

Never a full day, peeps. NEVER.

I’m really living and loving the fun of these early autumn days. Always something lovely and diverting.

And I’m looking forward to a bit of a down weekend to chill and continue decorating.

All good things.

Over and out. 

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