Monday, September 13, 2021

Simple Sticker Pumpkin Project

Well, peeps.

After the high-energy circus/dining out/swimming family day of Saturday, my babes requested a low-key Sunday, and I was more than happy to acquiesce.

Though we’ve been trying to attend church in-person more often these days, we reverted back to streaming, I made a glorious quiche (dairy-free, gluten-free for the hubby and it still tasted amazeballs—woohoo!) and we settled in for a lovely brunch and official pajama day.

As per tradition, during the sermon when we’re streaming, I busted out a project for the kiddos, and we officially dove in to the FALL FUN ZONE of crafting! (Cue jazz hands.)

In case it isn’t obvious (from the many, many times I’ve typed it on this here blog), I ADORE this time of year. And the plethora of adorable projects is just one more reason to ramp up the luuuuuurv.

Bonus points to Tar-jay this year for that line of crafts they launched, and the abundance of fun Halloween projects they put out this season. I may or may not have stocked up on, like, seven of them. With plans to return for a few more, tehe. ;)

Chicklet adorable strung her handful of pumpkins together to make a lovely garland that she hung from the playroom mirror. I’ve given my word that Friday, we can officially decorate the house. Bring on the SPOOK!

Ironically, despite the requested pajama day, I ended up working my heiny off around the house, doing a lot (a lot) of necessary cleaning and catch-up items while the kiddos were playing happily together (like, so happily that I often had to check on them to see why they weren’t arguing), and the hubby was enjoying some football. So I fell in bed pretty exhausted, and I’m a wee bit tired on this Monday.

But…onward and upward.

Mid-September, here we come!

Over and out. 

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