Saturday, October 9, 2021

Boulder 2021–Day 2!

Day 2, peeps!

An abundance of fresh air, exercise, yummy sweets, and time with my beautiful fam.

There were four main adventures to our day:

Chautauqua Park (including about an hour long, decently-inclined hike [all the kiddos could manage] to get closer to the Flatirons)

North Boulder Park (a random discovery that just might have been my very favorite bit of the day)

Pearl Street Mall (a famous, outdoor shopping area that was full of unique shops and restaurants, but it was a little too busy for my crew)

Boulder Falls (a lovely little waterfall that was an easy, five-minute hike from the highway; the main treat was the gorgeous, winding, 15-minute drive though the mountains to get there)

And now…pics, galore!! ENJOY!

Chautauqua Park (Flatirons in background) 

This insanely vibrant yellow tree just slayed me (again with the autumnal yellow theme of this trip), and we spent loads of time close by it, as it was near the beginning/end of the trail.

Little Man was in rare, hysterical form for this adventure. Off the beaten path more often than not, and game for a gazillion photo opportunities (most at his request, ha). :)

Wish this family pic wasn’t in massive shadow…

Okay. Now this following picture just DESTROYS ME. It is absolute perfection personified. And also, so lovely (and accidentally posed, with Chicklet looking so ridiculously OLD) that Aunt Amber said it was like a senior yearbook photo, tehe.

So very, very lovely—on the inside and out. If she helped one random kiddo on the hiking trail or on the playground, she helped half a dozen. Her heart is so beautiful.

My babies are all so wonderful from the inside out that it hurts.

Family selfie with my favorite yellow tree, once we finished the hike.

So long, beautiful yellow tree!

North Boulder Park

This one really was such a random find. The hubby casually promised the kiddos a playground very early in the day, and by about 1 p.m., my trio was driving me a bit crazy-cray with the demands to find one, STAT.

We had plans to continue on somewhere else, but I pulled up my map, navigated the hubby down the road, to the nearest playground that popped up, and forced everyone out, just so they could STOP. ASKING.

And wouldn’t ya know…it turned in to one of the biggest highlights of the day.

And, look! Mama even found an elliptical, ha (photo cred goes to Chicklet).

Too bad my spot was promptly confiscated from me, tehe.

This playground had the hands-down BEST view of any public playground we’ve ever visited.

Such wide-open gorgeousness with the mountains in the background. Blue skies, puffy clouds. And all of this hilariously awesome public gym equipment!

And the coolest excavator toy that was a huge hit. 

Also. Apparently, Little Man is now The Boss at the monkey bars. He has definitely been practicing at school.

I really can’t say enough about the peaceful and beautiful vibe while we enjoyed this park. Lots of healthy, happy outdoor time in such a wide open, stunning space.

Sibling sit-up challenge:

Mountain Mama:

Little Man photobombed our parent selfie…and I’m not at all mad at it. :)

Happy times, indeed.

Pearl Street Mall

Lots o’ really cool shops, but we only explored one nifty, three-storied bookstore and a coffee shop before making our way back out of the district.

Boulder Falls

This was one we were able to tack on at the end of our day, before dinner, and I’m so glad we did. Such an easy but beautiful drive, an easy-peasy little trail, and a pretty view. 

Though we did sustain a bit of rainfall and a dip in temperatures during our visit there, so the kiddos cold, wet and painful faces are kind of hysterical.

And, lastly, to end this post, I give you a truffalo:

Not a truffle. Not a buffalo. A truffalo. :) And we ate it.

Happy Saturday, peeps!

Over and out. 

P.S. Look what popped up on my phone! Two years ago today. In Colorado, at Garden of the Gods. :) And just look at my tiny babies. October in Colorado must really be our jam.

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