Sunday, October 10, 2021

Boulder 2021–Day 3!

Hellooooo, from our last full day in Colorado, where we crossed off a major adventure list item by making it to Rocky Mountain National Park! Woohoo. :)

This, of course, involved a bit more city hopping. So if you’re keeping track, we began in Denver, spent yesterday playing in Boulder, and made the trek to Estes Park today, where you can easily access RMNP.

Once in Estes Park, we quickly popped over to the historical hotel that served as the inspiration for The Shining, tehe. 

Then we a spent several lovely hours wandering around downtown Estes Park and the adjacent Riverwalk (much different from our SA Riverwalk, tehe), while the weather was crisp and sunny.

Lunch was a really delicious Nepalese restaurant, and we enjoyed our food outside while the crazies continued to climb all over nearby boulders, ha. Give them some decent weather and an obstacle to utilize as the source of their imaginative play, and they’re good to go.

Then, post-lunch (and post-coffee and post-dessert), we made our way to Rocky Mountain National Park, sort of winging which entrance to utilize since we’re not very familiar with the vast area of the park.

Luckily, we picked the perfect access point for our crew, and spent several hours hopping out at various lookout points, climbing random formations, hiking one little trail to reach the Alluvian Fan (waterfall), and driving father up in elevation to reach Bear Lake, right as the sun was starting to dip and the temps were really plummeting.

Not much commentary is needed for any of this, except it say that the scenery is absolutely majestic, the Fall foliage (again, with the signature yellow of this trip!) was stunning, and the kiddos were happy as clams to climb all over anything they could. :) A beautiful day, indeed.

I think the Alluvian Fam Trail was my favorite of the day. Gorgeous views, an easy hike but chock full of boulders for the kiddos, and the beauty of the waterfall and streaming river. And I think this was right around the time the kiddos reached peak playfulness, ha. So glad we didn’t miss the experience.

Elk sighting! This was our first, but we saw a whole herd later on. :)

This was Bear Lake when it was a little after five o’clock and pretty darn frigid, as we were much higher in elevation with the mountains blocking out the remnants of the fading sun. But it was a lovely and muted end to the day, and I’m so glad we made it.

Grateful for another beautiful and busy day in Colorado.

Tomorrow will be sort of a random odds and ends day. We don’t fly out until dinnertime, but of course, we have to make our way back to Denver. So we’re not certain of our plans, but will likely take it more low-key than the steady pace of the past few days.

Gonna have some exhausted kiddos when they’re back at school Tuesday morning, but the fun is certainly worth it!

Happy Sunday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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