Friday, October 22, 2021

Pom-Pom Spiders & Spooky Village

TGIF, peeps! We made it to the weekend!

That said…thank goodness we have a bit of a low-key weekend planned, ‘cause my Little Man has a fever, chills and a headache, as of this evening.

Boooooooo. (And not the good, spooky kind.)

I’m seeing a lot of R&R in store for us.

And probably a lot of project time to keep my crazies entertained if they have to take it a bit easy.

Hilariously, we’ve been such project fools over the past few weeks (Halloween is absolutely one of our heaviest project times o’ the year), that we’ve nearly worked our way through the loads of items I had on hand!

I mean, if my babies had theirs druthers, we’d be crafting every, single day, and I’ve been working hard to keep up with their little (but mighty) demands.

As it is, we have something extra-fun planned for tomorrow (as long as my boy feels okay), and then, on Sunday, we’ll be wrapping up a two-part project we began a couple of days ago.

But in the meantime, here are a couple of tiny diversions we’ve busted out this week.


Ironically, I bought this Pom Spider kit all assembled, but we actually have all the materials on hand that we would need. Mental note for next year if we want to make them again. ;)

And this one was a super simple (just peel and stick, for the most part) kit that I busted out on Sunday morning during the sermon.

It’s always best to keep their projects easy and self-sufficient when we stream church at home if we aren’t able to make it in person. Minimal talking required so we can actually hear the message. :)

I’m already starting to mourn the end of this spooky season. I can’t believe we’re just about a week away from Halloween.

But you can’t say we haven’t lived it up right!

And we’ll squeeze every last ounce of fun we can out of these final few days before we transition to…Thanksgiving!

Over and out. 

Oh! I almost forgot! One other project from a few weeks ago (you can tell because we didn’t have our oven installed yet, ha) that I don’t think I ever posted. But it was so cute and kept them coloring for a loooong time, so I don’t want it to get lost in the shuffle.

I seriously remember when I took this pic right as Tarjay stocked all its spooky fun back in August. The JOY it brought me to see it all, and we’ve totally worked our way through nearly all of it—and then some! Tehe.

Can’t wait to see what Christmas brings…

Okay, really this time: Over and out.

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