Tuesday, November 23, 2021

A Breath of Fresh Holiday Air

Well, peeps. We made it! 

The prep is over and the fun and family and chaos descends tomorrow morning. Squeeeeee!

The kiddos might wake at 5 a.m., just because they’re so, dang, excited to see their little cousin.

And I’m so, dang excited to see what a little toddler can get up to in our casa. :) SUPER fun times.

Luckily, we managed to continue our trend of mixing a tidbit of quality time amidst out massive To Do List, and it was the perfect day to get outside and finally enjoy some fresh air.

Thanks to the kiddos’ mild-ish round of Sick Ick this past week or so, we’d been keeping them mostly indoors to let their coughing fits subside.

But we finally reached a point where outdoor play was NECESSARY. And, boy, did it feel good to get out of the house and up to the neighborhood playground!

My beautiful Chicklet even sprawled flat on the ground of the basketball court, basking in the sun like a lizard. She was so, darn content and happy to recharge her solar battery that I obviously had no choice but to join her :)

Add to that some fun tossing of a tennis ball with my boy, and just some general running around, and a good time was had by all.

Everyone’s moods were vastly lighter upon our return home, and the kiddos had a blast getting out a bunch of their older baby/toddler toys for their little cousin.

Last but not least for our final prep day…Chicklet and Little Man get an honorable mention for a day well spent having fun and getting along together. :)

Those two love fierce and argue fierce, and can be two peas in a pod or oil and vinegar. So it was such a joy to see them having such a blast with one another today.

Here’s a slew of unedited pics of them in the car, being goofy, while we were waiting for Daddy in the parking lot.

And a final honorable mention goes to the sunset outside Tarjay, when we were on our 2,674th grocery trip of the week, ha.

SO looking forward to some holiday time well spent for the next few days, and I hope you are, as well!

Happy Tuesday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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