Sunday, November 28, 2021

Thanksgiving 2021!

Well, peeps.

I consider myself to be a kind and reasonable person (welp, most of the time).

But less than two hours after family departed this morning, following a marathon but super-fun Thanksgiving week, when the hubby looked at me and said: “I think we should bake something today. Who wants to bake something today??” I did not feel so kind or reasonable.

I also feel like I earned my angel wings by not telling him to kindly shove his baking request someplace the sun don’t shine. Instead, I kindly glanced toward the homemade Pumpkin Pie, Tennessee Whisky Bourbon Pecan Pie, Traditional Pecan Pie, chilled Dark Chocolate Pie, traditional sugar cookies, gluten-free/dairy free sugar cookies, traditional toffee, gluten-free/dairy-free toffee, Oreo Truffles and crumbs of leftover coffee cake still sitting on the counter, and I think he got my drift.

He’s lucky he’s cute.

And, he’s also lucky that, even though I told him to assemble the deep fryer days before Thanksgiving and he still waited until the last minute, the end result was glorious. :)

I’m just now, days later, emerging from the fun holiday fog enough to sift through my pics and try to assemble my posts in any coherent order.

So just roll with me and enjoy these happy holiday and food images that don’t need much explanation. :)

Our Thanksgiving table this year:

What happens when you give Uncle Caleb the charcuterie items and tell him to make it pretty:

It’s almost too pretty to eat.


Also. Honorable mention goes to both the Mini Harvest Cheese Balls (even some dairy-free ones, ha), and the Pineapple Cheese Ball that I haven’t made in ages. I forget how clutch cream-cheese can be…deep sigh.

The hubby causing me to give him dirty looks from the kitchen, since I asked him, repeatedly, to prep all of this before the big day, ha.

The cutest little nugget in the world, sittin’ like a big girl:

And being entertained by her uber-attentive cousins:

Christmas ornaments Nanna always gives at Thanksgiving:

First one at the table, post-prayer, tehe:

Signature cocktails each day this year; this one was a salted caramel martini, made with Bailey’s, and Nanna was really a fan. Victory.

Video game shenanigans:

And more of the cute nugget:

It was all things Thanksgiving should be: chaotic, delicious, full of noise and laughter, too much food and drink, and tired bodies and bellies.

So grateful to have my family together, in person.

Oh! And because I never managed to take a pic of us at the big meal, here we are at breakfast that morning, ha:

More posts as I have time to sift through them!

Happy Sunday, peeps!

Over and out. 

P.S. A couple bonus shots from siblings’ phones. :)

Please note how far away the hubby and little bro had the kiddos stand while they were lighting the dryer, ha. Smart men.

She played hard with her cousins. :)

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