Friday, November 12, 2021

Exterior Elf Work!

Oh my heavens, today was a good day.

For the past several weeks, the hubby has been absolutely inundated with time-sensitive projects for work. So his hours have been long, unpredictable, and with little difference between weekdays and weekends. 

So it was extra lovely today to have a full day of quality time together, thanks to a handful of his projects reaching a more manageable stage.

We took major advantage of our buddy time, and set out to tackle a very loooooong—but festive!—list of items.

And tackle those items, WE DID.

I give you…our Holiday Casa, 2021 style! :)

Super subtle, yes???? ;)

I mean…what a joyful but tiring round of exterior elf work it was.

But I have to say, it’s the first time I’ve really adored our holiday decorations in SA.

Of course, it’s no secret that we’ve always gone all out for our Halloween decor, and I think the southwestern style of our home always worked with the blacks and oranges and Fall hues of our spooky decorations.

But Christmas stuff was just hard with our stucco and our tan and army green exterior colors—not to mention our cacti and general South Texas vibe. No Winter Wonderland in sight. So it always slightly bummed me out when it came time to attempt to make it all gel together with the holiday style I had in mind. Like forcing a square peg into a round hole.


This year, amidst our massive water disaster restoration, we ripped off the bandage and painted the exterior of the house, so now it’s a lovely, crisp cream, with a happy stone porch and the whole vibe is just so much more US—with the bonus of lending itself faaaaaar better to holiday decorations. At least in my humble opinion.

Everything has just come together so much happier with the improved palette. Plus, we’ve really honed in on a happy mix of classic items (like window wreaths and lovely, flocked porch trees) that can co-exist with the flair the kiddos so desperately desire. It’s tough to make everyone’s heart happy, but I think we’ve done it!

Coach light bells?? Check.

Giant, inflatable ornaments?? Check.

Oversized ornaments for our live oaks?? Check.

A new inflatable Santa friend?? Check. (Say goodbye to that cypress tree. It officially died in the winter storm this year and it’s about to be cut down. Booooo.)

Our trusty old inflatable Christmas tree?? Check.

And some lit garland and the most spectacular, awesomesauce light display ever (with 22 settings—motion and static, plus 155 color combinations)?? Check and CHECK.

I’m sure our neighbors really love us right about now, tehe.

But their opinions don’t really interest me; only those of our fivesome matter, and WE DIG IT!

It was such a beautiful afternoon, post-school, with the kiddos running around, playing tag while Mama and Daddy finished up some of the hard work. Just a memorable bit of family time and lots of smiles for miles.

What an entertaining and festive sight we’ll have for the next five or six weeks.

Can’t wait to soak up all this holiday goodness and cheer. 

If the interior and exterior decorating vibes are any indication, we’re off to a really fun start!


Over and out. 

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