Friday, November 19, 2021

Thanksgiving Break!

Oh my heavens, I’m been so focused on the events of Thanksgiving, and the family coming in town, and the food, food, FOOD, that I sort of overlooked that glorious little tidbit that the kiddos have 9 sleeps of holiday break—and therefore, I have 9 sleeps without making school lunches, toiling over long division, dressing kiddos like rag dolls before the sun is up, or shuttling them to extra-curriculars.


Also. I really do feel sooooo much better about life, now that I’ve locked down our super-cozy, matching family holiday pajamas. So it’s holiday break kinda vibe—in super cozy style. :)

Aside from, you know, the massive amount of planning that goes into any holiday, it was a pretty stable week in all regards…but the health front.

After my twins/not-twins were home on Monday with some ick, they made a decent recovery, but now Chicklet seems to be backtracking again.

Worse still: there’s apparently a stomach bug going around school and enough kiddos out sick that I seriously thought about keeping my crazies home today, just to shield them from exposure before the holiday.

Alas…I sent them, and Chicklet came home reporting the lovely news that a little classmate threw up in class, and when I quizzed her about proximity during said event, she told me she was RIGHT NEXT to the vomiting child when it occurred, since her seat is right next to the trash can.


The entire room was evacuated and cleaned, but still. I feel like we’re a ticking time bomb household and that is not the feeling you want before a packed house for Thanksgiving hoopla!

Face masks while cooking and baking, anyone???


We’re going to be keeping an eagle eye on these three nuggets and spend a decent chunk of time at home as we do some baking and cooking prep, and try and soak in as much of the calm before the (happy) storm as we can.

Now. Some randoms from the week…

We finally—finally—managed to find bar stools that we liked, after being without since the Winter Storm Disaster of February, and all the ensuing home restoration. And it just tickles me endlessly how much the kiddos adore sitting at the counter. :)

And I adore having them there—up close when I’m cooking and cleaning.

The seats swivel (again, much to the kiddos’ delight), and they remind me of macarons, tehe. I think we might be watching too much of our baking championship shows, ha.

So, yay, for keeping my crazies close when I’m spending so much holiday time in the kitchen.

And a double yay for a couple of tiny Thanksgiving crafts we’ve managed.

I feel like this project phase always gets lost between Halloween and Christmas, but I’ve got a couple of crafts tucked away that I’m hoping to tackle in the coming days. :)

Oh! And we did a doodle today!!!

Man, do I miss our pandemic, near-daily doodles. So here’s hoping we can fit some holiday ones in. :)


Over and out. 

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