Monday, November 29, 2021

Thanksgiving Riverwalk Visit

Well, peeps.

I’m slowly but surely trying to emerge from the holiday fog and sift through my pics to share posts. But this week is proving to be mighty busy, as well!

Tonight marked my first holiday party (a neighborhood ladies event), the kiddos have all sorts of extras packed into their schedule this week—from field trips to leadership meetings to rehearsals for choir performances to all the regular dance classes and extra-curriculars and homework—and, the cherry on top of our busy week will be a fun kiddo holiday party I’m throwing on Friday.


Needless to say, there’s no rest for the weary at the moment!

But it’s all in the name of holiday spirit, and considering the minimalism that was necessary last year during the holidays, it sure is beautiful to be able to celebrate a bit more safely with family and friends, and enjoy this wonderful time of year.

Now. Back to slowly working my way through our Thanksgiving festivities.

The Wisconsin Uncles had just two precious days to spend with us. And considering one of those days was the big Turkey Day itself, that left Friday as our only possible option to get out and about.

And obviously, when you’re bringing anyone out and about who’s never been to San Antonio, there’s really only one place to go…

The Riverwalk!

My poor little niece nugget and the older bro both had unfortunate bird interactions, ha. But, hey—they say it’s good luck!

Now. Fun thing we discovered that turned into a new bucket list item: apparently, there is a nighttime river parade on the Friday after Thanksgiving. The entire place shuts down at 4 p.m., and only ticketed individuals can enter for the hundreds (thousands?) of seats they set up right on the edge of the water. The boats are decorated, and I imagine it’s a beautiful sight.

Obviously, we adjusted our visit to a lunch instead of dinner, on account of this event. But it’s definitely something to attempt in future years. I imagine the lights on the water are something gorgeous to behold.

The little nugget was nice and chill on our boat ride (especially since it was nap time!).

It was a pretty easy-breezy visit down there and definitely a must for any visiting out-of-towners.

But here’s hoping that, someday, we have more time to show them around other areas!

Other events of our Friday included another Drink Of The Day: Hibiscus Margartias…

A trifecta of lasagnas I made ahead and froze last week…

And opening Christmas presents with my side of the family, who we won’t see in person in December…

Again, it’s been so very precious to be TOGETHER, in person, this year for any and all of our festivities. A beautiful second phase of the Halloween/Thanksgiving/Christmas trifecta that we love so much!

More tomorrow in a final Thanksgiving post about the pain and suffering (and laughing) I put my family through for our annual challenge.

Happy Monday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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