Sunday, December 12, 2021

My Happy Holiday Babies

Well, peeps.

My kitchen has sort of exploded, our elf, Leaf, made a mess out of toilet paper all down the stairs last night, there are toys and puzzles everywhere, and I caught up on laundry—only to fall a bit behind again.


I could care less, because our family was very jolly this weekend, with LOTS of togetherness time and LOTS of holiday vibes and smiles, and that is all the extra oomph I need to push through these final, FIVE school days before we can switch gears towards some HOLIDAY BREAK TIME!

Now…sort of completely out of order:

My happy church babies after a really fun service with the high school drum line performing, and some donuts after it all.

And, yes that’s a Santa hat sticker on Little Man’s head, ha.

Then our RAUCOUS Saturday night dinner out (with two of my crazies sporting pajamas, ha):

The coffee-maple glazed cinnamon rolls we made yesterday that DEFINITELY gave us a yummy buzz, ha:

And…last but not least: the neighborhood holiday get-together this afternoon/evening that gave my babies plenty of crisp, outdoor air, and time running around with little friends. That I did not take any decent pictures of, because we were just too busy chatting, ha.

This week is gonna be another doozy, but I’m at least feeling jump-started to power through a couple of days before I crash again, ha.


Over and out. 

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