Sunday, December 19, 2021

Santa (Visit), Baby—2021 Edition!

Holy-moly, holly-jolly, what a freaking unexpected Mama treat I got today! Just look!

I mean, I totally thought our days of Santa visits had passed us by, but, nope! Apparently not!

It was an absolute delight when we were out for some errands today and passed by a little Santa house within the outdoor shopping center. Chicklet and Little Man were pretty excited and asked so stop for a visit, and do you think I was gonna say no?! Absolutely not! And sweet Chica happily indulged us all. :)

It seriously was such a treat since the past times I can remember involved my kiddos around this age/stage. 

And just look at them now!!! So huge and grown up!! And no tears or meltdowns, ha. And they just happened to be festively dressed, to boot.

These days, we just really don’t get out a ton for family meals, and if we do, it’s often to the same handful of places that can accommodate the hubby’s gluten and dairy allergies.

So it was an extra special treat to sync up our shopping/Santa outing with a glorious stop for some crepes!

So unique and festive for the kiddos, and definitely not something I make at home—and that’s the kind of food I really enjoy eating out these days.

The presentation was just adorable. :) And they had vegan and gluten-free crepes for the hubby, so we had some delicious, savory ones to go along with the sweet.

My cutie pie Chicklet even brought her camera along to document from her perspective, as well. :) And we all enjoyed sitting outside in the crisp temps by a space heater so we could watch all the pedestrian traffic.

It seriously was such a lovely family outing—made all the more special because of our Santa visit.

And I gotta say, this little dude’s reaction when Santa told him he’d made the “nice” list was just precious.

It’s something he’s been concerned about—to the point that he often goes through his good and bad behavior with me at bedtime, trying to determine what’s winning out, ha. 

 So when Santa told him that he and his sisters were both on the right side of the infamous list, Little Man’s head dropped back in relief, and he had the cutest thank-goodness-I-was-so-worried reaction. Totally priceless.

Also: please note the lasting influence of Santa, as the big red guy was the one who suggested the girlies cross their legs, all sophisticated-like for their official pictures, and Little Man followed the guidance, as well (even in the above pic on a rock later), because Santa told him so. :)

Love these holiday babies and the time we’ve been able to enjoy this weekend.

Looking forward to one more semi-causal day tomorrow, and then the final Christmas/company prep shall commence! Woohoo!

Happy Santa Sunday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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