Tuesday, January 11, 2022

A Solid Start

Holy good fortune, peeps.

Yesterday, we were blessed with a unicorn kind of Monday, and we soooooo needed it.

First blessing: Chica’s math homework (currently fractions and mixed numbers) was blessedly brief. A half hour only. Amen, Halleluiah.

Second blessing: Chicklet’s homework was also blessedly brief (conjunctions and easy graphing math)—and she knocked it out of the park with no assistance needed. Amen, Halleluiah.

Third blessing: thanks to the highly manageable homework load, we threw in a brief, Valentine shrink art project, and completed an entire doodle. I mean…seriously. AMEN. HALLELUIAH.

So by the time we headed to Chica’s evening dance class, everyone was still in stable and moderately-happy moods, and I just can’t tell you how lovely that was.

Can you tell I’m accustomed to a Monday beatdown??? Cranky kids, extremely heavy math homework, whining over extra-curriculars and a lack of sleep, ha. So anytime we can knock a Monday out of the park, I say a lot o’ prayers of gratitude. Especially on the heels of last week’s rough, January re-entry.

Sorry to say that today tanked just slightly, but…let’s stick with the pics of our happy Monday and leave it at that, m’kay???


My girl in her witch’s hat for her homework:

And doing an awesomesauce job of reading aloud her library book she snagged:

My happy, homework-is-done Chica, working on her shrink art:

Watching as our hearts got tinier and tinier…


And…Little Man so excited that we had the opportunity for a doodle:

And, look! We even managed a doodle last Friday, as well:

I miss the days of daily art and drawing, so I’m extra-grateful when we can work some in. :)

Hoping for a manageable Hump Day tomorrow, and a steady march toward a long weekend.

Hope everyone is staying sane and healthy. The number of school absences and germs is pretty severe in our neck of the woods. Doing our best to maintain health as long as possible.

Over and out. 

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