Thursday, January 20, 2022

A Wonky Winter Week

My goodness, we’ve had a bit of a wonky week!

Some weird schedules, roller coaster weather, a surprise day off school, and germs a-plenty!

Of course, the kiddos were home for the holiday on Monday, but Tuesday dawned absolutely gorgeous…

I mean…stunning. The only wonderful thing about the start time of my kiddos’ elementary school is the way it syncs with the sunrise during certain months of the year.


The weather was beautiful on Tuesday and Wednesday, but by midday, I was retrieving this feverish little lady from school. No bueno.

She spent most of the day just lounging and recovering, while we tried to monitor her symptoms and figure out what—if anything—was really going on.

Meanwhile…the weather was tanking.

So quickly that our school district preemptively closed for today, before any precipitation rolled in last night.

Unfortunately, it was mostly on account of such a large number of staff members already out sick, and the fear that if road conditions caused even a fraction more to have to call in, there wouldn’t be enough faculty and staff to cover basic operations for the school. Oye.


My babies had a surprise cold day home (no snow in sight, ha), and it was actually a great thing, Especially given Chicklet’s germs that were still percolating.

We spent time doing projects and watching TV, and doodling, and on iPads, and it was all the perfect things for a freezing day.

Also—if this pic of Chicklet carrying Little Man around the playroom is any indication, she was also feeling a bit better today, ha.

That said, my middle-born nugget will be home with me one more day mañana (assuming school is open) to clear out some of her lingering germs.

And clearly she’s heartbroken about that—considering this adorable list she put together tonight for our “sick day” tomorrow. I LOVE. She covered all the vital basic, hehe.


This week has definitely been a bit all over the place, but we’re rolling with it, peeps.

And at least tomorrow’s Friday.

Stay healthy, stay sane.

Over and out. 

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