Sunday, January 2, 2022

Another Harry Beginning

Oh. My. Goodness. PEEPS.

To quote good, old Taylor: “I don’t about you, but I’m feelin’ 22.”


I kind of can’t believe that it’s a new, dang, year. And even though there was a lot (a lot, a lot), to be grateful for in 2021, we still had a heckuva lot we had to wade through, personally (ahem, Winter Storm Disaster, flooded and destroyed home, blah, blah, restoration that cost a lot of money and heartache, and half of our year).


As we look back on this past year, we have oodles of amazing memories, but also, oodles of things we hope to NOT repeat.

And that’s coming off of a couple of tough years prior to that one.

So, 2022, all I ask is that you go easy on us. We’re coming at you a bit weary—and wary—and it would be really nice to made it through a year and launch a new one with a bit less trepidation, ha.

But in the spirit of new beginnings and HAPPY things: let’s talk about how my boy talked me into starting his reading journey prior to the seven-year-old mark I imposed on the girlies.

I give you, yet another of my children who’s launched into the magical world of Harry. And I couldn’t be more excited—and neither could he, ha.

Now. It was a pretty major discussion within our casa surrounding his starting age, and whether or not we were moving foreword. And in the end, two major things drove the decision.

First: he’s just so ready.

I say this in a factual, unbiased way: he’s testing in the 99% percentile for reading comprehension and language skills, and he just needs a freaking challenge. 

He’s in stinking kindergarten and had a heart-to-heart with me at the start of the holiday break about how he’s just not getting anything difficult to do at school, and was just begging me to bump him up a grade, poor boy.

Now, that’s not exactly something that happens, but we certainly activated the appropriate protocols long ago within his school, his teacher is certainly aware of his needs, and hopefully, we’ll get the boy some advanced, fulfilling work moving forward, ha.

In the meantime…I can give him the math and language push he needs at home. Happily. Woohoo.

And the second deciding factor in his Harry reading timing: the generosity and blessing of Chicklet.

As the one closest to his age, and the one who is still currently on Book 1 (but more than halfway through it), I didn’t want to encroach on her special reading order and make her feel like he was chomping at her heels.

But she was the one who graciously suggested we should go ahead and let him begin, that she would share her book on alternate nights, and she even went so far as to say that she wanted to wait for him once she finished the first book so they could read the second one together. And that was just so kind and representative of her inclusive nature.

So…Harry for EVERYONE in the casa!

Chica and I are making strides on the fifth book. Chicklet and I have the goal of finishing the first book by her bday in March. And Little Man is just pleased as punch to be let in the club.

And I adore (adore, adore) that he wants the Harry glasses on him or by him at all times when reading. :)

And he even puts them on at other times of the day. I die.

Now, in the spirit of reading, and the JOY that it brings…I give you my faves of this past year.


This one was a total surprise, during the week of Christmas, and my last official book I read of the year. Such a great way to wrap up 2021. I had no idea one of my FAVORITE authors had a holiday book coming out, but as with all her books, it was so much more that that. The fun and massively chaotic family dynamics in this story were a riot and the absolute best, and the angst and yearning of a second-chance romance were as good as it gets. Loved it.

This one was hands-down one of my tops of the year. An expected trope (fake dating for work purposes), but so smartly and brilliantly written to avoid—and even poke fun at—any cliches. Written by a PhD, centered around the world of academia, it was smart. And full of delicious tension. And I’m already on countdown to the author’s other books coming out this year.

A brilliant M/M romance centered around the filming of a reality dating show. Nothing’s more delicious and forbidden than the bachelor falling for someone so completely not in the running for his final rose (or this book’s version of that). I read this as a buddy read with older bro and we had so many wildly interesting conversations stemming from some of the characters, as well. So it was all the fun and romance, but a thought-provoking one, as well!

Hands-down my FAVORITE duo authors (two best friends who write together) of ALL TIME. I have and will read ANYTHING they write, and this one was fantastic, with a super-fun premise of an algorithmic-based dating app. Their books are always GOLDEN. Read them.

I’m about a decade behind on this one, but…just look at all of the award seals on the cover, and crack it open. It’s a coming-of-age beauty. So sentimental it makes you ache. The sequel was just published this year but I haven’t made it that far, yet. Definitely on my list!

Ugh. This one is an ongoing series involving a family of a bunch of siblings and each of their love stories. I’ve been waiting for the series to get to this brother and it did not disappoint. I adore how this author weaves in all sorts of representative realities to relationships—from autism to chronic illness to anxiety. Each book in the series is fantastic, with all the love and tension I crave, but the first and fourth (this one) have been my personal tops.

Stop it with this one. Just, STOP. For a book that forces us to endure the slow and painful burn of two people over more than a decade, it gives so much good angst. Makes you scream sometimes with the poor timing that can keep people apart. And since this book involved a lot o’ travel and it’s still pandemic days, can I get an AMEN. This author’s debut last year was a massive hit, but I loved this one even more. :)

Oh my gosh, I dragged older bro through reading this one, as well, and it was just light, fluffy, FUN. But with depth! Talk about a wealthy socialite being dropped in a middle of nowhere fishing town, and the hilarity was just ever-present. The sequel is coming out soon, and I’ll so be there. 

And lastly…this is a prequel to an ongoing series thaf I devoured. I’m beginning to think this author just hits a home run every time, and it’s so fantastic to get some fantasy in with a heavy dose of shmexy romance. It’s allllll the good things. And there’s so much more where this came from because the author is quite prolific.

I love, love, LOVE heading in to a new head with a list of must-read books already stacking up on my phone.

So much to look forward to, and I’ll get to every one possible!

Happy 2022, and HAPPY READING, peeps!

Over and out. 

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