Friday, January 14, 2022

Street Legal

Well, peeps.

I have a confession to make (and also, a confession on top of that confession, that I’ve made this particular confession in the past, and still didn’t shape up my behavior):

I have a problem keeping my car registration current.

And by “problem,” I mean that I never, ever (ever) manage to take care of the inspection and then the online registration before it’s already expired, and then I have to go in person to take care of it, and it’s a pain and a hassle, and I put it off, and hold my breath every day I pass a police officer in the school zone on the way to pick up my kiddos, and the hubby is no better with his registration, and it just ends up being one vicious cycle of regret and remorse and something that weighs me down, and, well…

It’s a problem.

And it’s particularly hilarious that I, of all people, have this problem, because I’m not really the type to let things hang over my head like this, but…everybody’s got their faults, amiright?


I decided that today was the day to Get. Things. Current. It’s part of this whole Change Our Luck in 2022 mission I’m on, ha.

And on the way home from getting the first of both our cars inspected this morning, I found a penny on the ground—heads up—for the first time in years, which I took as an excellent sign.

Now. Just to paint a very clear picture: between the hubby and I and our two cars, we were FIVE YEARS out-dated with our respective registrations (three years for him; two years for me). Not cool, I know. Though, to be fair, mine originally expired in the very early days of official lockdown, when nobody was going anywhere, so that’s how my spiral began.

But I’m ridiculously overjoyed to report that, despite being five collective years out-dated (it’s even more shameful to type the second time), the lovely lady at the county tax assessor’s building did NOT charge us back pay. Like, didn’t even make us pay for those years we skipped and, in the past, when living in DFW, we always got charged for back pay. With an up-charge of censure heaped on us by often judgmental employees, ha. 

I mean…how amazing to only have to pay the current year of registration for us both???

I’m going to take any small bit of good fortune I can, this year, and mark it down on a super-special running list in my head, to try and look at all the positives—big and small. :)

Now. Off to get some shuteye on this Friday night, but I’ll leave you with one final thought: this was what my babies looked like (in Spring of 2018), the last time the hubby and I were both current on our car registrations, ha:

I mean…puts things into massive perspective, yes??? (Thought: can I blame my children for not managing to keep registrations current??? Methinks not.)

As much as it hurts, I luuuuuurv my tiny babies and those squishy faces sooooo much.

And If you want to peruse that entire post, heeeere ya go:

Happy Weekend, peeps, from this Street Legal Lady to you.

Over and out. 

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